Subject: Armpit hair - mainland women
fjackass (Henry1980)
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Post at 29-5-2011 13:33  Profile P.M. 
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Armpit hair - mainland women

What's the deal? Are they just too lazy or do they genuinely think it's sexy?

Disgusting. It turns a good looking woman into an ugly one!

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paladin310   31-5-2011 02:43  Acceptance  +1   Obviously it's cultural. Why in 21st Century still, don't know.
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Post at 29-5-2011 14:11  Profile P.M. 
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Telll me about it. I once had a Chinese girl. Pretty, nice looking body. Went to bed, laid her down. Up went the arms, out came the armpit hairs. Such a huge turn off!
Told her to go to the toilet and use the hotel razor to save it and she asked me why! Lol. Looking back I find it hilarious now.
She said back in her home/village no such habit of shaving armpit hairs.
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Post at 29-5-2011 17:21  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 locus58's post

Yes, 1 girl i dated in SZ didnt get that far with me. She was wearing a sleeveless dress, we were on the MTR. She grabbed hold of a handle near to her head - and i could see the armpit hair she had.
Never went out with her again.
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Post at 29-5-2011 17:42  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by locus58 at 29-5-2011 14:11
Telll me about it. I once had a Chinese girl. Pretty, nice looking body. Went to bed, laid her down. Up went the arms, out came the armpit hairs. Such a huge turn off!
Told her to go to the toilet an ...

i should prolly inspect their underarms when picking girls in China next time

just wondering.. did she then shave her armpit on your request? and.... did she ask for more $$$ for shaving!!!
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Post at 29-5-2011 23:59  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 ernieb's post

She wasn't keen on shaving it to be honest but I told her that girls outside china normally shave the armpits for hygiene reasons (a bit of bullshitting here. Lol) plus girls looks sexier that way. once I said sexy, she was game to shave it off. And no I did not help her shave! Not my "thang"! If it's the pubic hair, then yes I'll help her. Hahaha

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ernieb   30-5-2011 00:45  Acceptance  +1   well i guess she had a massive bush down south!?
doghead (dog)
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Post at 31-5-2011 01:43  Profile P.M. 
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I guess for you guys your dream of becoming a English language teacher has just got shot down. Think about you will be fired by your school within a week because you would be afraid to conduct question-answer sessions with your students after seeing all those armpit hairs every time a girl raised her hand waiting for you to pick her.

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mchk   1-6-2011 11:07  Acceptance  +1   Hahahaha! Summer school sucks! Sleeveless shirts!
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Post at 31-5-2011 02:20  Profile P.M. 
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Shaving the armpits is not a common practice in Mainland China, nor is shaving the legs.

In Hong Kong and Macau this is far less likely to occur (if the girl is local).  In Manila, girls will shave their armpits but the legs are a different story.  I would say more than half would not have, and claim they don't need to (not that true lol).

Most girls will do it if you ask, an offer of 100 RMB if the request does not succeed.

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paladin310   31-5-2011 02:43  Acceptance  +1   ..and in Pattaya, they shave everything.
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Post at 31-5-2011 02:46  Profile P.M. 
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I guess the idea to to import some American porn to the PRC, eh? Anything to lessen the trade imbalance, maybe we can file a complaint with the WTO if they don't comply.

I've seen some TW softcore where the kitty is well manicured.

I think basically, the concept of 21st Century female grooming hasn't caught on yet to your basic village in the PRC.
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Post at 31-5-2011 06:16  Profile P.M. 
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i don't think it'll ever change in's THEIR culture and it's very difficult to change what they have been acustomed to
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Post at 31-5-2011 23:01  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 fjackass's post

Cultural thing, hmmm.. Maybe equal rights for men and women..

If men don't need to shave armpits, so do women, they wail!
sirtiger (the banana)
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Post at 1-6-2011 06:13  Profile P.M. 
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talk about ethnocentrism! just because your home country does it, it must be superior.  some advance countries in europe don't shave either, its just a cultural thing! Hey, I am not fond of armpit hair either but I just try to accept it especially I am on the their home turf bro
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 1-6-2011 09:13  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #11 sirtiger's post

Hell yeah, most westerner ladies have stinky about that. One reason why me and my exs broke up back then.

At least hairy armpit is not smelly, it's not like we are fucking the armpit.

China gals rocks!!!!

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paladin310   1-6-2011 16:03  Acceptance  +1   Not true at all-maybe raise your White WG standards?

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