Subject: Any info on this sauna in CP ?
Throbbing Titan
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Post at 2-11-2010 16:40  Profile P.M. 
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Any info on this sauna in CP ?

I found this place on another website. Does anyone know where this place is in CP ? or is this place any good ?  The pictures of the facilities looks OK.

東莞常平鎮口岸大道1號 (離常平火車站300米)


B牌靚女 訂房價350(全包價/免小費)
A牌靚女 訂房價438(全包價/免小費)  
提示:以上相關優惠需電136 5256 6557 華少 預訂
2. 訂房22:00後即可免費過夜

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