Subject: Sauna opening hours in DG and Shanghai
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Post at 19-8-2010 08:59  Profile P.M. 
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Sauna opening hours in DG and Shanghai

Just a quick question that I couldn't find an answer to.  What time do saunas typically open in DG and in Shanghai?

I'm going to be flying out of HK at 630pm when I'm there in Oct...I'm planning on staying in DG the night before I fly out and was wondering if I could somehow fit in a sauna visit before I leave for HK and my flight.

Also wondering about quality of girls at that time too.

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Post at 21-8-2010 19:13  Profile P.M. 
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wg's usually don't like to wake up early =) in Shanghai try 1pm at the earliest.
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Post at 21-8-2010 20:03  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 amookie's post

Your timing is tight. The best girls go to work after 3pm but some will start as early as 1pm. Best to get a girl the night before at the sauna. If she's good, ask her to stay the night with you. You can offer her RMB1,000 as a starting point.
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Post at 27-8-2010 13:24  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 geoduck's post

Thanks for the tip.  I'm not sure I've been that lucky with the overnight stays before.  I've done it twice in DG and the second time I didn't even get any action in the morning, so that's kinda turned me off the overnight stays.  I think I gotta pick someone that speaks english next time.

Thanks again.

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