If you take into account that most rooms are rented by the girls for 141 walk-ups and they have to pay landlords a fee and to earn their living. Most of these girls have longer visas than the hotel girls and probably only take `mothering`holidays.
Hotel girls however mainly come over on a short-term visa so they will only be around for their term of the visa. These girls will be hard to take out for the day as they are making fast money and then back to wherever. Some do return.
For hotel girls for the day depends on how popular the girl is and how you negociate with papa/mamasan. Prices will vary and will be in $X X X X X.
Walk up girls...You negociate with them and some will not as they may be quite busy with regular customers.
So your offer to them may have to cover their losses on a normal or busy day. You work it out say 10x customers + rent fees.