Subject: In London on a Sunday: Any recommendations
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Post at 23-5-2010 10:55  Profile P.M. 
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In London on a Sunday: Any recommendations

Will be in London in June. Will check out Lady Marmalade parties. But they son't open on Sundays and I have a Sunday free... Any recommendations? I am looking for one of the following:

1. True Brit. A really white anglo-saxon blond with blue eyes and an English accent. These people ruled over our part of the world. And my grandfather told me to fuck a few of them when I could just for payback...

2. Kinky Bitch. As kinky and fetish oriented as I can get. Some spanking perhaps

3. British born Indian. I just find Indian women very sexy (some of the whiter specimens) and coupled with a British accent would just make me pop...
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Post at 26-5-2010 05:29  Profile P.M. 
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Bro hkpk123

I am suprised infamous Rico hasn't replied to this.

The most popular website is

By the way what's with the faccination of Brit accent, I seriously can tell ya that London girls sound very Cockney and I think you'd be disappointed, hunt for a Geordie or Scouser bird bloody cute accent I tell ya.

Have a good'un in London anyways.
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Post at 26-5-2010 07:35  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 hkpk123's post

Send brother Rico a message.
He will tell you where and what to do in London.
He is all over the international forum.
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Post at 26-5-2010 17:52  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 hkpk123's post

yes bro Rico is your man. You can post questions in "International" and he will likely see it, and maybe other learned London Bros.

International is one of the few areas where you can mix Q&A with reports as the traffic is relatively low and it makes sense to allow members to "silo" such a general area of the NON HK/China world.
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Post at 27-5-2010 10:19  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Toon4Life at 26-5-2010 05:29
... The most popular website is ...

I had a great trip in Feb. using AW exclusively. The search function is very good, so you should be able to find exactly what you want. Lots of Euro's to be had as well. Spend an hour searching and you will find what you are after.

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