Subject: Any chance at a 5 star hotel Dongguan?
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Post at 29-1-2010 12:31  Profile P.M. 
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Any chance at a 5 star hotel Dongguan?

Staying at the Sofitel Royal Lagoon in Dongguan in a few days. Any chance the Sauna there will have VIP/Special service?
I found the Holiday Inn in Zhuhai to have it and had a great experience. Of course Holiday Inn is no Sofitel.
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Post at 29-1-2010 13:08  Profile P.M. 
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yes, almost guaranteed in EVERY hotel in Dongguan.
In fact, the higher end hotels are probably more likely to have it.
Just go to the elevator, look at the directory, and find sauna or massage.
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Post at 29-1-2010 13:39  Profile P.M. 
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even if you dont go to them, they will come to you. just be in around the lobby's or the elevators in the evening by yourself and a good chance u will get solicited. i was staying in Royal Hotel (Dai Wong) in DG and a fellow followed me into an elevator around 10pm and was askin if i want a massage or a girl. and this is a 5star hotel, so your chances are pretty good. if not, i am sure the concierge will be able to help you out.
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Post at 29-1-2010 17:42  Profile Site P.M. 
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5 star

The Euroasia Intl. would rank among the 5 star establishments in that area (CP).  It has all the amenities that one would want.  Had inspected the facilities last November,  checked out several of the 420 guest rooms, The Euro Health Club sauna riooms and enjoyed a great buffet dinner.  
Thist hotel seems to feature their KTV as their main draw named The Euro Club with 75 private KTV rooms. It has its own entrance on the side of the hotel rather than the main entrance.
Overall, I was quite impressed for such a hotel in CP which about 5 minutes from the train station.

Good luck
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Post at 30-1-2010 08:30  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 tttbone1's post

We're talking about Dongguan, China here right? OF COURSE the hotels will have it. DG is the sex and prostitution capital of China. Every barbershop, hair salon, nail salon, hotel will have what yo're looking for
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Post at 15-5-2010 20:01  Profile P.M. 
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I stayed in this hotel twice during my visit in Dongguan and I can tell you one thing: forget about speciall service in every of Sofitel hotels
It was the only hotel when I was not able to find speciall massage although I was powerfully looking for it   
Because of this, finally I decided to change the hotel.
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Post at 15-5-2010 20:51  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 doll00's post

Well, if there's no special service in Sofitel, they deserve to go out of business. On the plus side, guess is the only decent place to stay if you're going to Dongguan with your wife and kids (which is an impossible scenario).
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Post at 16-5-2010 22:31  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 geoduck's post

Why would a family want to visit DG?
Nothing to play expect *cough cough*
Almost 90% will offer special service.

Happy punting and looking forward to your reports.
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Post at 17-5-2010 00:28  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Avatar at 16-5-2010 22:31
Why would a family want to visit DG?
Nothing to play expect *cough cough*
Almost 90% will offer special service.

Happy punting and looking forward to your reports.

I know guys that go to DG for golfing every other weekend. Their wives would insist on going from time to time to check that their husbands are not keeping a woman there. You obviously don't know about some of these HK golf widows. They get very suspicious and need to to convince themselves their husbands are not fooling around even though they are.Wait until you become a golfer and have a GF then you'll see.
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Post at 19-5-2010 06:06  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 geoduck's post

Seriously, how could they not have special service?  I heard miraton had a return onequity of 50% it's first two years and it wasn't because of the dim sum.
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Post at 19-5-2010 07:45  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #9 geoduck's post

Haha shit I totally forgot about the golfing.
Good thing girls in general don't like golfing.

They don't like getting the sun in their face.

Yeah.... totally still enjoying my single life.
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Post at 19-5-2010 10:38  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #11 Avatar's post

I used to go to Bangkok with an English guy who told his wife he was going for company visits and golf with me in Thailand. Ended up,  we only visited one company and he spent the entire time at the hotel pool and in his room with 2 WGs. The guy was good. He even went inside the pool caressing the two WGs with his Tee shirt on and a golf glove so those parts of his body do not get sunburnt - he had to get the tan right to convince his wife he had two rounds of golf in the hot sun and not sex in the pool with two WGs
sirtiger (the banana)
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Post at 19-5-2010 21:43  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by venetiangirls at 29-1-2010 07:30 PM
We're talking about Dongguan, China here right? OF COURSE the hotels will have it. DG is the sex and prostitution capital of China. Every barbershop, hair salon, nail salon, hotel will have what yo're ...

stupid question as I don't frequent mainland.  Why is DG the sex capital of china?
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Post at 20-5-2010 00:40  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #13 sirtiger's post

Dongguan is the sex capital because firstly, it's far from Beijing. Secondly, it has the greatest concentration of factories in China thus many foreigners visiting all the time without their families. HK and Taiwanese factory owners need a place to bring their foreign guests where they get laid to secure orders. Thirdly, It's proximity to HK, not too close like Shenzhen but just far enough to feel you can let loose without being too close to home (for frequent visitors from HK).

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sirtiger   20-5-2010 01:22  Acceptance  +1   tks for the info

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