Subject: Massage in Champagne Ct?
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Post at 23-1-2010 12:16  Profile P.M. 
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Massage in Champagne Ct?


I was wondering.  When a girl in the db says she's good at massage, does she usually offer FS if she doesn't explicitly say NO Full Service on her profile?  Seems to me from what I read that most girls offer some sort of massage service, even if it is just a quicky backrub.  And can anyone tell me what makes a "Thai massage" so special?

Thanks!  I've got two weeks till I get to HK, and I want to make the most of my visit!

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Post at 23-1-2010 12:23  Profile P.M. 
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most girls, if they dont post that they dont explicitly not do FS, normally give service at a higher price - if you do opt for FS though, they might not give you such a detailed massage - most 141 quality isnt that great anyway - if you were to - i would actually rather recommend u go to a straight massage palour (mayb 300 / 1 and a half hours) and go 141 (WG / HG) for ML service seperately - its better price than heading a high class saunas too... (not Db girls, cost around 1k - 1.5k for FS)

Anyway - thai massage is from what i understand oil massage - which is helping u 'push' your muscles to ease them - then push push push - will eventually also leave to oiling lil bros amongst other things leading to.. uh... other things as well ;)

hopes this helps u
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Post at 23-1-2010 12:31  Profile P.M. 
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its to rare to find one who is actually good at massage and fs. i think most offer extras if u ask for it
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Post at 23-1-2010 13:18  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 codehardcore's post

Thanks so much...that clears things up quite a bit! I'm not as into massages as some guys, so I'll juststick with the FS 141 girls, and get the massage separately if I feel the need.

Thanks again!

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