Subject: Recommedations for the Best sauna in changPing, dongguan?
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Post at 22-5-2013 18:34  Profile P.M. 
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Recommedations for the Best sauna in changPing, dongguan?


I'll be visiting changping for the 1st time.
Any recommendations for the best sauna in terms of girl quality/service?
Normally how many girls will be paraded during the line up?

I've heard about Eurasia, Yihao but just need some advice from our fellow experienced punters.

Thanks in advance for your comments/advice.
Kinky King
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Post at 26-5-2013 10:12  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Rockmy's post

Since you're being specific - when you go to a sauna, quantitatively there are only 3 factors, facilities and services, quantity of gals, price - everything else is subjective - quality, level of service from gal.

So the saunas I have tried in CP are
1. Virgin,
2. Meibao
3. Huihua,
4. Hua Tai (Walter)
5. Hui Mei
6. Lucky
7. Yi Hao
8. Eurasia

In terms of service, all offer around the same service of 2 hours. Attitudes might differ depending on the gal and your chemistry. Quality changes are gals leave and come back and saunas aren't too choosy with the sort of gals that they get.

My recommendation is to go sauna hopping - go up to the sauna without an intro, ask to see a lineup and record the number of the gals you like. If you like what you see get the namecard of the manager. If he's an ass to you, lose his namecard and get another namecard. Later give a call back again and book a room with the gal number - you get a discount of 50-80 RMB

Virgin and Meibao have the most gals and the prices are reasonable. Yi Hao and Eurasia are more expensive with gals above a thousand.

Try the first 6 since they are walking distance before going to Yi Hao and Eurasia.

Recent Ratings
Rockmy   27-5-2013 15:39  Acceptance  +4   Thanks for d info.

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