i am glad you are now choosing to face the questions rather than hide behind the use of pm to "reason" with me while writing dubious messages under the pseudonym of kingsley...
whatever in the world made you think you should come to me, asking to have your id unmasked while publicly, you make yourself sound like a victim?...
...i don't understand your rationale bro...
in revisiting some of the things said in the aforementioned thread, my only ever reply to you was to tell you that we, the mod team, knew exactly who kingsley is: [post #176]...( ... age%3D1&page=9) and none of us understand nor encourage members having duel ids...why?...because this is an anonymous sex forum and our experience tells us those with this modus operandi are more often than not, full of shit: all of us are already what is the intention and motive for someone to hide in the shadows underneath the veil?...
and your answer is: "I only did it to re create Jake!"
but why?...what was the compulsion, pauley? impress us with your wit? be a smart arse?...get in on the verbal diarrhea of that thread?...
you need to realise if you want to be an active member of this board who is respected by members, by being blatantly devious is just NOT gonna do that for you
you see what counts is by doing what you did, you essentially flushed down the toilet, whatever credibility you've built with the brotherhood of the forum that is within the 239ks total to your name as of this moment...
and as twiceaweek had given you two occasions to come clean, you chose to ignore that and hold on to your pride and whatever game you felt compelled to the cost of all the time you've spent here to build up your id and credibility...that to me is a total waste and a clear show of stupidity...
sad you say...damn right...and the fact is, you are NOT the victim know it and so does any other bro with half a brain who has followed with what has been going on...
i am not here to look for friends nor enemies and i will certainly cut you some slack since you had the balls to come forward finally, albeit trying to do so while saving your own face at my expense...
no matter to me cause in the end you are the one who is suffering around here from your actions
may i suggest if you wish to continue to improve yourself as a grown up man then you best look deeper, cause the way you have been going about it are truly the expressions of a small person...