Have you ever fucked a girl (without a condom) only to find out
after that she was or used to be a pro?
Happened to me. Hot springs situation, all new agey/tantra so I was feeling the 'trusting' vibe only to find out afterwards that before becoming a 'Tantrika' that she'd been a full-on working girl. And the kicker was that she'd never gotten herself tested for any STD
Just goes to show you that physical intimacy can trick your mind into thinking it's in a nice, warm and fuzzy state of trust when you're really just about tofall into a giant pile of danger-shit!!
Anyway, that was many years ago and except for the scare I'm none the worse for the wear, but lesson was seriously learned!
I turned her on to the fine folks at Planned Parenthood (their "Clean Slate" STD test is a mere $400) and we both checked outnegative. Never again though!