Subject: Attractive cold girls and other complaints
Erotic Emperor
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Post at 17-12-2012 01:03  Profile P.M. 
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Attractive cold girls and other complaints

Ok I am very new to the Wan Chai punting scene but is it just me but EVERY 8/9/10 girl comes across as cold biatch's, face's set in stone and contempt clearly visiable or is it just me?
I am not young but younger than most of the guys these girls latch onto (some fat bald 60 year old is common). I dress smartly, smile etc but I think I am going to need a sledge hammer before they will even look at me. Now I am more than happy going for a 6/7 with that GFE and seem to enjoy your company and I would take that any day over a stoney cold 10 but I still would not say no to GFE with a 10 even if it cost me.
Anyone got any tips or can guide me because it has got to the stage I just ignore them and do not even bother to look, but I do feel I could be missing that 1 in a million girl.
The one advantage I do have is I prefer the fuller figure girl over the Belsen bag of bones so this means less competition and these girls do seem to have a more bubbly personallity (is this why I prefer the fuller figure?)

Also can they please make the clubs a bit brighter, how often have you guys left with a girl and once your outside she drops a point when you take a second look (happened today, might go and get my eyes checked or start carrying a torch but this could be a mood killer haha)

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TheButler   19-12-2012 13:19  Acceptance  +4   LOL, another bro in need of glasses!
inbkk   17-12-2012 22:18  Acceptance  +2   i have mostly success with direct, straight talk.
doghead   17-12-2012 13:19  Acceptance  +3   Use cellphone bright screen to light up her face as you type in her digits.
Thai-delight   17-12-2012 06:22  Acceptance  +1   LOL @ torch comment
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Post at 17-12-2012 19:31  Profile P.M. 
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It's because the fat bald older guys, being older guys, won't make them work so hard in the sack . They are good for one pop max and then done for the night and the girl can then return to the bar to get another customer. Younger guys might make 2 or 3 shorts ,  or make her work overnight. these girls are like taxis, the bulk of their money is made on the shorter trips, the longer rides they probably break even on.

In addition a older fat bald guy may be less likely to negotiate a hard bargain with her , Either because they are lazy, or simply have more money.

My 2 cents, in any event I go to 141s and brothels where the price is set .

Keep on mongering
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Post at 18-12-2012 03:38  Profile P.M. 
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Ok it is now 2:45 in the morning and the 9/10 has just left in a huff.

In the beginning I ventured down to Neptune 3 at around 11 and to my delight a good number of ladies grabbed a seat and 5 minutes later a good looking slim lady sits next to me (with her back to me) and I am thinking here we go again another cold look down her nose type but after 5 mins she swings round & faces the bar and I catch her eye a couple of times but Im still thinking typical up herself spinner but I think what the hell have I got to loose and mutter some lame line (with a big smile) and we actually start talking, buy her a couple of drinks over the next couple of hours. Now I dont have her full attention which is pissing me off but there was enough to keep me interested (especially her body).
Finally get down to negotiations and I nearly fall off my chair at 3K S/T. After legnthy discussions we settle on 2.5K + my Rolex for L/T with multiple shots till 2pm.

Back to my place shower, she is still stand offish and into bed (light kissing only) and onto the deed any way that goes fine and after 30 mins tops from kick off I am done.
Everything fine to here and she is actually talking a bit more & I am going sweet I am on a winner with a looker at last until I start round 2 (for this money I am planning on 2 tonight, 1 in the morning and one for lunch before she leaves (wether I can is reliant on Mr V and I have very high hopes)  any way as I start to finger her she goes not its sore & I am tired.
Sorry dear for this money I expect it when I want it, next thing she gets shitty so I said no fuckeee you fuckee offeee. (forgot to add she wanted all the money up front and I only paid 1K and told her rest when she leaves, thanks guys for this advice I picked up here.) Well she hits the roof, going on that I no fucking machine, not a dog etc etc.
Fuck me, she was right on one thing she is no fucking machine a little rocking is her limit. Any way she dress's and fucks off.

Now I have some questions

1) was I being unreasonable in expecting a 2nd shot 10-15 mins after the first (bear in mind I am a slow lover not a hammer the shit out of the poor girl, I am to old and out of condition to do that)
2) When I negotiated L/T is there a limit to the number (I never actually said I wanrted 4 shots on goal but I made it clear I wanted lots) once in bed before we started she asked how many condoms I had & I said 12 and I plan to use them all and she laughed (must of thought I was joking).
3) During negotiations she stated she had a manager, could there be repercutions if I go back? and I plan to as I still have 10 days here. I mean as far as stand over tactics to get the remainder of the money? or god forbid problems with the other girls, we all know how they love to talk and I am sure my name is mud.
4) Did I actually do anything wrong? I have kept to the facts and not once did I not treat her like a lady.

I had sex just the other night with the new love of my life and we did it twice one after the other then a rest for a third all in 3 hours with no problems, but this could be the differnce with these cold fish and my fuller figured sex kitten who in a competition would win hands down over the sour money grabbing biatch.

So have I actually proved my theory correct that it is a waste of time (and more importantly money) to chase the 8/9 and 10's

Datel: 17 Dec
Name: I cannot actually remember
Link: none
Nationality: Phillipino
Body: 5/5
Estimated age of the girl: Said 25
Skill: 2/5
Repeat: Not on your life

This girl has a body to die for and I am a confirmed fuller figure man but will stoop to do a cute spinner but I will have to widen my horizons as this girls body had me rock hard from the start and it was still rock hard when she stormed out the door (maybe I should head back out again).
She said she works in a Casino by Manila airport and is heading back home on the 21st so if anyone wants a cold impersonal expensive shag she is the girl for you
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Post at 18-12-2012 05:40  Profile P.M. 
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Well, first of all, she was Bloody expensive.

Secondly, here is what I would take out of that. If the girl you are with is somewhat standoffish in the bar with you, chances are things aren't going to improve when you are
alone with her. My advice,  move on till you find a girl with the right vibe, even if you do consider her a looker.

When mongering in Wan Chai bars, I generally won't settle for less than 8s and genuinely can't remember experiencing the cold stone face bitch thing. I'd say, I usually don't
have any problems picking up whoever I consider to be the hottest girl in that bar, however, I won't take them back with me if there is not a good connection between us.

I'm 40 so maybe a little older than you but believe me I make them work for their money

On the subject of the lighting though, yes that has happened a couple of times where a girl has dropped a point or two once I get them outside. Neptunes II on both
occasions. It's one of the reasons I like Amazonia as it's quite light in there and I've yet to go wrong.
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Post at 18-12-2012 10:16  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 Bluemeanie's post

Thanks for the reply

In your opinion how much should have been the going rate for a looker for overnight till 2pm? (and I thought I had this pretty much worked out) every looker I have talked to (not that many) will not go under 1500 short time so I thought 2.5K for long time was not a bad deal (forget the watch it is only a copy)

As far as being standoffish all the lookers have been not one exception to this rule yet. If I followed your standards I would lbe eaveing here a bloody virgin haha.

By the way I am about 10 years older than you, the only conclusion is it is something about me that is the problem, does the fact I am punting alone make me look like a sad looser?
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Post at 18-12-2012 11:39  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #5 cruman999's post

Price:- this depends on so many factors. So many variables. Have a look at the Bar Guide sticky in this section. There are ways you can increase your price and ways you can lower it. first 4 - 5 posts may help you. There is a price list. Whilst prices have crept up, as recently as 2 weeks ago it was still pretty good.


Im in my 40s. Refuse to take a girl with black face or seemingly moody. I will not finalise the deal until we have had some fun chatting and laughing. It's my window shopping time. This also referred to in the Bar guide.

Some times girls can get spoilt for sure. They get lucky and arrive on a night that a big spender is in the bar, or the night after and the WG wants top dollar. Who can blame them? They are looking for money more than companionship.

I found a stunner of a Mongolian at Escape a couple of weeks ago. 100% MCOT and she knew it. But her and her girlfriend were committed to a dude who was buying her Moet and agreed to $5K each over night and all the following day.

I said to her, what do I need to do to take you back to my room for $1.5K? she said no problem, come back tomorrow night. Sometimes that's the way it is.

[ Last edited by  TonyToro at 18-12-2012 11:42 ]

Bar Punting in HKG?
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Post at 18-12-2012 12:25  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 TonyToro's post

Yeah, NEVER leave with a gal you aren't already having a good time with in the bar.  You'll know the differance between one that is truly have a good time and already "committed" her nite to you even before the $$ topic has come up, and one that is just hoping to score a profitable trick and get back to work.

I have had a number of regulars - none of whom I paid more than 1500 for all-nite, tell me they've had punters (usually tourists) pay 4k or more.  They probably acted a bit cold too them too, maybejust not their cup-of-tea, so the offer got higher and higher.  This is always a mistake.  If a gal aint giving a friendly, lets-party vibe for a decent rate, then the extra thousand you offer may change her ANSWER but not likely her ATTITUDE.  

Anyway, it is hard to say what you are doing wrong, but everybody strikes out from time-to-time inWanchai and it can often be unexplainable.   Keep trying....
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Post at 18-12-2012 13:02  Profile P.M. 
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Thanks for the thoughts, I normally have a limit of 1K but the last 3 days have not been that satisfying and I was going to get me some no matter what. In the end I paid 1K for a great shag just no GFE. Well there is allways tonight for my luck to change.
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Post at 19-12-2012 02:32  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by cruman999 at 18-12-2012 10:16
Thanks for the reply

In your opinion how much should have been the going rate for a looker for overnight till 2pm? (and I thought I had this pretty much worked out) every looker I have talked to (not ...

First of all, definitely read the "Bar Guide" by Tony Toro. It is one of the most helpful posts I've ever read anywhere on any subject. I kid you not. It helped me no end when I was just starting out.

Regarding price, the first WG I ever picked up cost me $2k for long time (she started at $2.5k). That wasn't in WanChai but Sticky Fingers and that night she was the pick
of  the bunch so didn't want her to get away (even had guys coming up to me saying if I'm not taking her home let me know). I've never paid that much again. As Tony Toro
said, too many variables that effect price but the most I've paid for LT since then is $1.5k for a Vietnamese girl and she was stunning. I spent a few hours with her and we really connected,
went to a few different bars, making out, having some drinks, we even went to Escape where she fed me then all of a sudden outside asked me for $3k for LT. I told her
straight, look,  you're really beautiful and I want to be with you but that's not going to happen. She told me she usually get $3k to $5k for LT.  Told her I'm not new at this and that  my max was $1.5k and if she didn't want to come that was up to her. I reiterated how much I wanted to be with her though then started walking off, looked
like it wasn't going to work out, but I looked back and
before you know it she was chasing me and we were in a cab going back to mine. I ended up spending most of the next week with her and we still keep in touch on
pretty much a daily basis.

Regarding Pinay's, I've never paid more than $1200 for LT. In that case I don't think we talked money till the morning (or at least till we were back at mine as we were on
the bed) so I just paid her what I thought was fair.

I have had some blow up on me mind you. Had one Pinay that we even talked about the price at $1k for LT when suddenly she wanted her friend to come as well. Only an extra $500. Sounds like a great deal but I just wasn't into the friend. It became and all of nothing offer and I just  wasn't up for it. I'll tell you what though, I've thought
about that since being back in the US and wish I had gone through with it, although did meet a lovely girl in Amazonia right after that night.

No idea why you are having trouble mate. Maybe they can sense you're relatively new to the scene? Maybe there is a WG shortage due to Christmas so prices are up? I
usually punt alone
myself and if I was in HK would gladly go for a punt with you. Heck I wish I was in HK at the moment. Just keep trying.
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Post at 19-12-2012 11:27  Profile P.M. 
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Well I hit the bars again last night a it followed the same lines as the other nights, but this time I became a bit more hard edged about it, if they were distracted or not appeared not overly friendly I just moved on straight away .

I started at Neptune 3 and it did not take long to get talking to a phillo (a good solid 7) and she was smiling, talkative and I am thinking this is more like so I buy her a drink, talk some more then she ask's for another one (I hate this) so I think all or nothing I cut straight to talking $ and she wants $$$. Well we haggle for 2-3 minutes and I am getting more pissed off every second so I conclude negotiations with a no and head for the can. Well that is number 1 down and I move onto number 2 again a phillo and de Javu all over and again I walk.
Are you guys sure that 1.5K L/T is the norm as I can not get it and they are letting me walk and one think I have learnt here is if you walk off from negotiations and they dont call you back you are not going to get it for that price.
Finally on 3rd attempt i got a PRC girl for 1.5 LT but again after long negotiations (I will do a report shortly)

One thing that was different last night was the girls were not complettly cold but then they were not 9/10's but 2 were 7's and one an 8
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Post at 19-12-2012 11:35  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #9 Bluemeanie's post

Thanks Bluemeanie, Tony's post was the first article I ever read on this site and is what got me started punting in the first place (something I will be eternally grateful to him for)

You dont talk money till the morning, so if she then asks for 3K what do you do? I do not think I could do that I like every thing sorted & agreed to before I leave the bar because knowing my luck she would want 5K in the morning and if she is a pinay it would not surprise me at all
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Post at 20-12-2012 01:49  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by cruman999 at 19-12-2012 11:35
Thanks Bluemeanie, Tony's post was the first article I ever read on this site and is what got me started punting in the first place (something I will be eternally grateful to him for)

You dont talk m ...

I can remember the conversation as I know we were in my room making out in bed, just can't remember when it happened (thinking it had to be before the first shot on goal). I usually do  talk money before going
back to my hotel. In this particular case, my hotel was in TST so she would have had a long way to go if things had gone sour.

Good to see you got one last night
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Post at 20-12-2012 10:34  Profile P.M. 
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Earlier in the night I think they are more interested in extracting more cash and take their luck with an extra $500 or $1000.  Later in the night they are not worried about that as they don't want to luck out for getting nothing.

I generally let them do the work.  I am a generally shy guy so I don't worry about it if they are not interested.  If they are doing the work then generally they are more interested in being with you and having a good time.

I've been in bars around 2am and the girls that are around which are OK are happy for a $1000 for an overnight and leave in the morning.  Most times I am too drunk and it's not worth the fun.

Generally the best punts were girls that were 7's that gave great service at a good price of $1000 to $1500.

Keep trying mate, it will get easier......
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Post at 21-12-2012 14:33  Profile P.M. 
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I know quite a few Wanchai Filipina's, so I can relate to what you are saying, except I get the inside information and hear their discussion's when the guys are not around.

First it's Christmas and the girls want money to send back to the P.I.

Perhaps some of what you are seeing is shyness.  All of the Pinay's except one that I have met are VERY shy.  They will think you are sweet and want to have a good time with you, but so many are shy.  If you get to know them well and break that shyness barrier you will really enjoy it.  It sounds though like you are limited with time so that might have to wait untill another time.

The girls have told me that the BARE minimum they will except for S.T. is 1K.  Some will do L.T. for 1K if they are really drunk but then she is going to pass out or want to sleep right away and make you wait until morning for boom boom.  If you are trying for less than 1K S.T., they would rather just get drinks from you and move on to the next guy.

The prices they are quoting for L.T. are honest prices that they can get.  They have no problems getting 5K for L.T. from Japanese guys.  Sorry, but some dudes just ruin it for the rest.  They have told me many stories over the last year about what they can get and how.  Early in the night, good luck with 1.5K for L.T.  Now if its 4:00am and you are at Amazonia, well then you stand a reasonable chance because they just want to be done for the night and your hotel is much nicer than their apartment.

I personally have never experienced the stand offish attitude you describe, but that may be because of my appearance and the way that I carry myself.  If they did act that way, the BEAUTIFUL thing about Wanchai is that there are plenty of other options.

Good Luck
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Post at 5-1-2013 15:01  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #10 cruman999's post

i get a little confused, as i have never mongered in hk,
there are other options such as walk ups, hotel girls,
massage places, all seem to be way cheaper than prices you are
claiming...why would you waste your time on fillpinos at 1.5k-2k
when the other local flavors are available.....i cant wait to sample
chinese poon.....
just an observation


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