Originally posted by cruman999 at 18-12-2012 10:16
Thanks for the reply
In your opinion how much should have been the going rate for a looker for overnight till 2pm? (and I thought I had this pretty much worked out) every looker I have talked to (not ...
First of all, definitely read the "Bar Guide" by Tony Toro. It is one of the most helpful posts I've ever read anywhere on any subject. I kid you not. It helped me no end when I was just starting out.
Regarding price, the first WG I ever picked up cost me $2k for long time (she started at $2.5k). That wasn't in WanChai but Sticky Fingers and that night she was the pick
of the bunch so didn't want her to get away (even had guys coming up to me saying if I'm not taking her home let me know). I've never paid that much again. As Tony Toro
said, too many variables that effect price but the most I've paid for LT since then is $1.5k for a Vietnamese girl and she was stunning. I spent a few hours with her and we really connected,
went to a few different bars, making out, having some drinks, we even went to Escape where she fed me then all of a sudden outside asked me for $3k for LT. I told her
straight, look, you're really beautiful and I want to be with you but that's not going to happen. She told me she usually get $3k to $5k for LT. Told her I'm not new at this and that my max was $1.5k and if she didn't want to come that was up to her. I reiterated how much I wanted to be with her though then started walking off, looked
like it wasn't going to work out, but I looked back and
before you know it she was chasing me and we were in a cab going back to mine. I ended up spending most of the next week with her and we still keep in touch on
pretty much a daily basis.
Regarding Pinay's, I've never paid more than $1200 for LT. In that case I don't think we talked money till the morning (or at least till we were back at mine as we were on
the bed) so I just paid her what I thought was fair.
I have had some blow up on me mind you. Had one Pinay that we even talked about the price at $1k for LT when suddenly she wanted her friend to come as well. Only an extra $500. Sounds like a great deal but I just wasn't into the friend. It became and all of nothing offer and I just wasn't up for it. I'll tell you what though, I've thought
about that since being back in the US and wish I had gone through with it, although did meet a lovely girl in Amazonia right after that night.
No idea why you are having trouble mate. Maybe they can sense you're relatively new to the scene? Maybe there is a WG shortage due to Christmas so prices are up? I
usually punt alone
myself and if I was in HK would gladly go for a punt with you. Heck I wish I was in HK at the moment. Just keep trying.