Subject: Eaton or Langham Safe?
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Post at 17-7-2009 13:38  Profile P.M. 
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Eaton or Langham Safe?

Are either of these two hotels safe for hobbying? Any tips would be helpful. Thanks
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Post at 17-7-2009 14:16  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 wireless999's post

Again, you posted this in the wrong section !
... moving to Q & A
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Post at 17-7-2009 14:17  Profile P.M. 
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Sorry mate, don't quite get your question.
Any hotel is safe if your a paying guest. The Intercontental Hotel, take as many WGs back to your place 'accompanied' and your fine.
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Post at 17-7-2009 14:18  Profile P.M. 
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You need to tell us how you hobby in a hotel before we can tell you if its safe or not !
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 17-7-2009 15:42  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 wireless999's post

This is what I can bring any WG/gal back to the hotel and they wouldn;t care shit but if your hobby include taking Durian back to your room....then good luck!!

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Post at 17-7-2009 21:00  Profile P.M. 
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Hi..I've stayed at the Eaton several times. While I didnt have any WG's visit me, I did consider it and "scouted" the hotel. The elevators at the ground floor entrance go all the way up so as to avoid the
lobby. I didnt see any bellboys concerned as to who was getting on the lifts and that included late at night.  The clientel was a mixed
bag, so a reasonabily dressed asian girl wouldnt raise any eyebrows.
The elevators in the lobby didnt seem to have any 'security"
standing around them but can be tricky to locate the first time for a stranger. One comes up the escalator and faces the front desk on the left and a bar area straight ahead. You have to make a 180 degree turn to find the elevators through a small entrance way.
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Post at 18-7-2009 04:30  Profile P.M. 
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plenty hgs operating outta eaton i'd say its more than safe to punt there
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Post at 18-7-2009 05:43  Profile P.M. 
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HGS in the Eaton??

Do you really mean that TST WG's operate out of the Eaton?  I stayed there several times...did I miss this great opportunity just to walk down the hall or take the lift to a different floor??

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