Subject: What do you guys think?
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Post at 8-6-2009 10:44  Profile P.M. 
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What do you guys think?

I was in CP, DongGuan in May. I met this girl from Tau Yuan (I think that is how you say it). She was the one I reviewed last month. Very nice GFE experience. Kept her for about 3 nights and I would have kept her longer if I could, except that she had to go to Guangzhou. Anyway, to keep the story short, i gave her my mobile number and she recently sent me a message asking how I was and whether work has been busy. (Or that is what I think with my basic reading ability in Chinese). Should I answer her?
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Post at 8-6-2009 13:59  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 AlanC's post

short answer is :  "yes" if you want to bang her again, "no" if you don't

sounds like you haven't got enough of go and answer and report
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Post at 8-6-2009 14:40  Profile P.M. 
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Of course you should if you enjoyed her company that much that you had her for 3 nights.
Plus since she was the one who messaged you, you probably left a good impression on
her.  Hopefully she doesn't get too emotional attached to you cause then you are going to
need a new phone # though

Hope my this helps!
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Post at 8-6-2009 14:52  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by AlanC at 8-6-2009 10:44
Should I answer her? ...

Yes, and then report back

But keep your wallet intact, and no sinking ships!!

Hear Ye!  The Mayor has spoken!
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Post at 8-6-2009 15:32  Profile P.M. 
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I think whether you reply or not depends on what you want.  I doubt you would want her as a friend and I am guessing you are only after the sex.  If you don't mind getting close to a WG to get that extra GFE experience then go for it, but if you have a GF or wife at home and she contacts you too often to be comfortable then ignore her a few times and she will disappear.
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Post at 8-6-2009 16:28  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 HeMan's post

HeMan said it perfectly. If you want another go, then write back to her. If not, just let it pass.


Don't flame me, I swear those insults were supposed to be taken as compliments!
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Post at 8-6-2009 18:23  Profile P.M. 
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Thanks for your comments

Thanks for all your comments. After much fiddling with the dictionary, I have finally sent an SMS back. Basically thanked her for the SMS and sent my well wishes. To be honest, I would not mind seeing her again when I do manage to head over toChina. Hopefully in September this year. Would keep you guys updated if and when she sends a reply. Again thanks guys
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 8-6-2009 23:58  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 AlanC's post

All the gals in China message or call u back, I say 100% for KTV chicks, 80% for SN gals and 50% for whorehouse gals (BBS).
This is my statistics, so go make your conclusion.

They just want regular customer, good client and hopefully make u sink and they can live their fairy tale dream happily ever after.

Well no harm at all calling her/ messaging or seeing her again.....this is just a Game.....I said many time.......exlore more and taking things to next level, but know your limit (both time and money) and don;t fcuking sink unless she worth it......

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Post at 9-6-2009 08:32  Profile P.M. 
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Good advice Hunter

Good Advice Hunter,
Thanks for the Heads up. Don't think I can head over to China on a regular basis since I am in Australia. Might see her once more before she "retires" in October.
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Post at 9-6-2009 09:47  Profile P.M. 
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answer yes...but don't become her b/f...

if you don't want to bang her, then don't bother...

if she is good, DO IT!
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Post at 9-6-2009 10:59  Profile P.M. 
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I think Hunter summed it up well when he said: "this is just a game"!

There must have been some intention when you gave her your phone number, otherwise why would you do such a thing? Enjoy!!
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 9-6-2009 12:46  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by grantbone at 9-6-2009 09:47
if you don't want to bang her, then don't bother...

This is so true.....
Why waste time sms, QQ, emails or phone calls when u do not intend to retry her or see her again.

For the poster, since u are not going to see her any where in the near future. Just keep her phone intact and call her when u come to China again, she will still remember you, after just another client, another game!!!!!!!!! They are good at it...........but u need to be better and 1 step ahead....

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Post at 17-6-2009 08:44  Profile P.M. 
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Well got an SMS back. General conversational topic. Thinking about me blah blah blah. Good customer service. But yes, not taking it seriously, but the next time I go into CP I will definitely see her. Had to postpone trip to September.

Thanks again for all the advice
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Post at 17-6-2009 11:08  Profile P.M. 
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just remember if you plan on seeing her again during your next trip, lay the ground work calling her before you arrive.  this will give her time to arrange her schedule...
kaka (YaYa PaPaYa)
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Post at 17-6-2009 11:12  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by AlanC at 8-6-2009 10:44
she recently sent me a message asking how I was and whether work has been busy..

lol. i think china's phones has a default SMS template "How are you? Busy with work?"
since all WGs always SMS the same thing...

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Post at 17-6-2009 13:29  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #15 kaka's post

I understand they sell "special" phones for WGs ....

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