Subject: Nadia (
Lustful Lord
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Post at 16-9-2022 01:24  Profile P.M. 
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Nadia (

Mid September

Reached out to a girl on They are mostly b&s jobs but thought I would try my luck from time to time.  Connected on TG, she replied quite quickly and was keen to meet. Asked her to send me a selfie with her holding the date and time on a bit of paper. She sent me one she did for another bro a couple of days before. Looked promising but I was still skeptical, but thought since it’s not too far away, I may as well just go check her out and can always walk away if didn’t like what I saw.

I reached the hotel and met her in the lobby. She dressed up nicely, spoke good English, cute voice. Big boobs, and Latino booth on her. Asked her to remove mask, she looked Spanish to me. Not bad looking. I thanked her for her time and walked, purely because I was in the mood for the more slim type and she led me to believe she was. I imagine a lot of the bros would find her quite attractive tho, attached a couple of photos for your reference. She sent the second photo to me while she was waiting in the lobby before I turned up, like I said, dressed up nicely.

Not her in the photos on the website, but here is the link for contact details ... WuIsHhUA&c=1119

Last thing, price was negotiable. She asked for 3k with everything offered. I countered with 2Q request. She accepted without hesitation.

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Recent Ratings
MalavernX   22-9-2022 18:30  Karma  +1   My reading access is just off... *cries*
kennethman0123   16-9-2022 23:53  Acceptance  +1   I try her, she is from Vietnam!and she is not independent, the phone number is agent
batman108   16-9-2022 09:23  Karma  +6   awesome and thanks
JackTheBat   16-9-2022 09:21  Karma  +8   Thanks. Details on activities are always appreciated, you can add a Reply...
Rickymonkey626   16-9-2022 07:13  Karma  +2   Thanks for the intel brother. Is her face pic accurate? Looks a bit Thai but hope real lady haha

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