Subject: Poker Pro Dan ‘Jungleman’ Cates Loses $5 Million In Manila

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Post at 27-1-2022 10:58  Profile P.M. 
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Poker Pro Dan ‘Jungleman’ Cates Loses $5 Million In Manila

Dan ‘Jungleman’ Cates is considered to be one of the best Texas Hold ’em players in the world, but a recent trip to Manila didn’t go quite so well for the 25 year old American. According to a tweet he posted after crashing out of some high-stakes cash game action at a local casino, he lost quite a bit of money: “Sooo Manila didn’t go well, only lost about 38m hkd(5m usd). Gonna play more on the online casino and take another shot.”

In case you’re wondering, HKD 38M translates to roughly PHP 226,946,950.50, give or take a bit. That’s a lot of lolly to blow during a short trip to the city. Like the old saying goes: you win some, you lose some. Luckily, Dan usually wins more than he loses and his career live poker earnings still stand at well over $3 million at the moment.

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