She probably can’t even say the word “chlamydia”. So I doubt she could warn you. Plus these girls go through a lot to come here and can’t ruin their trip because of a sore throat. Not to mention, if she did warn you, would you still go through with the session? I saw her around that same time and had no issues. Chlamydia is the most common STD to get, whether you hobby or not. I’ve been posting on here for over a decade, and never caught anything. Knock on my wood.
These are sex workers. Most girls get something from time to time. As long as it isn’t visible, most carry on. But the wisest thing is to assume all girls in the industry have something. So always use protection. Yes you could still get something when using a condom, but you can also get it by using an airport toilet. As a slut, and a seasoned hobbyist, I would just say it is bad luck.
And lastly, since I know most of us on here are sluts, we hobby all the time, and couldn’t it have been from someone else? Are you married or in a relationship? If so, how did you explain that to your partner? I would much rather hear that story. Not fair to accuse Zavia let alone posting on a public forum. Sorry but i just don’t see any benefit in posting this. But thanks for the warning. Hope you got it taken care of and you should see Zavia again. She could use the business after this post.