Subject: (Thailand) Sana fiwfans CIM expert
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Post at 6-11-2023 20:57  Profile P.M. 
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(Thailand) Sana fiwfans CIM expert

Date & Time of Session:  1 Oct 2023
Location:  Maverick Hotel, Ratchada 17
Name:  Sana
Nationality & Language: Thai (little to no English)
Age: Late 20s?  Early 30s
Face:  3/5
Body: 3/5 (Banging Body !)
Height:  160-ish cm
Skill: 5/5
Service: 5/5
GFE: 2/5
PSE: 5/5
Price & Session Length:  2000/90 mins 2 shots, CIM
Repeat: Yes for her service, not so much her look

Maverick hotel is located at the far end of Ratchada soi 17 and it's a bit of a trek from MRT-suttisan but I assure you it's worthwhile.  

She's a known girl around here for her CIM, specialty.  I'll admit she's not exactly my "type" when it comes to look but I was curious after reading numerous good reviews on fiwfans so I visited her a month or so ago to try her out and oh boy......did sure live up to her reputation...  

Try and search up one of those "soul snatching" bj video and it's exactly what she does.  

Her 'special' move is to usually let you do her doggy.  As you're about to finish, she'll flip around, take of your CD and suck you to completion and ensure no drop is left.  She also offer anal if any of you are into that (not my thing, really).

Recent Ratings
gg1234   8-11-2023 08:36  Karma  +3   
sfdanny   7-11-2023 10:37  Karma  +3   
lorenzo37   7-11-2023 05:51  Acceptance  +2   
kalvinhobbs   7-11-2023 03:42  Karma  +3   
shaykh   7-11-2023 01:10  Karma  +4   
JackTheBat   7-11-2023 00:29  Karma  +10   Sounds like fun.
roninaaa   6-11-2023 23:46  Acceptance  +1   
Laszlo   6-11-2023 22:21  Karma  +4   Excellent
booby_lover   6-11-2023 21:55  Karma  +6   
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Post at 7-11-2023 13:20  Profile P.M. 
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For ,y opinion  you still go to soapland near by there much better

Recent Ratings
HK_Legend   7-11-2023 17:26  Karma  -1   Please READ Guidelines! 1) NO One-Liner here; 2) Rate Post before Replying; ...

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