Reply #1 Hkballer852's post
Well well well, I'm surprised to read this review to be honest, but it's always nice to read different reviews from the experiences bros have. I've said it before and I'll say it again now, it just goes to show that we all have different preferences for what we expect from our experiences, whether it comes to looks, performance, skills, attitude etc.
I'm a big fan of Yo Yo, I see her totally different to how you did from what you wrote. Don't get me wrong, this is not a diss, in fact I think this is great to read such a contrasting view, not just with me, but with so many other bro's positive reports.
I am wondering though, could it be a hindrance at times with such rave reviews being posted, that the expectations will be raised so high, resulting in idisappointment when those high expectations are not achieved? It's just a thought, not necessarily what happened in your case.
Thanks for sharing.