Subject: Serenity / Carrie : recommended
Carnal Conqueror
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Post at 6-6-2017 22:30  Profile P.M. 
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Serenity / Carrie : recommended

Date & Time of Session:  mid week evening around 7pm
Location:  Serenity Massage on Kimberly Road
Name:  Carrie
Nationality & Language: Local - very decent English
Age: not sure, looks like early 30's
Face:  4/5
Body:  4/5
Skill:  5/5
Service: 5/5
GFE: 2/5
PSE: 4/5
Price & Session Length: 1,000 before tip for 1 hour
Repeat: Yes

Decided to get a massage after a long business trip.
Carrie looked hot in her tight white tank top, a nice C cup (enhanced) and long legs.

The best surprise of this session is the dry massage, which is normally crappy. Instead, she had very good massage skills that took care of my tired shoulders, back and legs. The dry massage was long, at least 45 minutes.

The oil massage portion was short, and was essentially a tease. One notable technique was when she sat near my feet, and put my outstretched legs (face down) on top of hers, while she woke LB up from behind.

Then came the flip. She climbed up to the table, and stroke LB against her tits. Access to LS was not given at first, but with slow and playful tries she relented. then back to the shower.

Would repeat given good quality dry massage.

Recent Ratings
Buford   7-6-2017 17:21  Karma  +1   She gives a very good, strong massage. And hawt too.
porkchops   7-6-2017 05:14  Karma  +2   Thanks!
JJJ37   7-6-2017 00:41  Karma  +3   
frogtaru   6-6-2017 23:00  Karma  +3   

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