Subject: Beijing Massage. Take 2!
Kinky King
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Post at 27-5-2017 09:12  Profile P.M. 
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Beijing Massage. Take 2!

Date & Time of Session:  March 18, 2017
Location:  Spa at the corner of  Dongbeiwang S Road  and Dongbeiwang W Road
            General  Area  is Zhongguancun Software Park

Name:  Jasmine

Nationality & Language: Chinese
Age: 26-30
Face:  5
Body:  7
Skill:   5
Service: 5

Price & Session Length:  498 RMB  60 Minutes
Repeat:  Never Again,  well maybe

After striking out AGAIN  on wechat and local agencies  I decide to hit the rub and tug again.  Big Mistake. I am prepared to ask in chinese for a the hottie who worked the front room.
I walk in. One girl is there watching her cell and the front door. texting a customer.  The other gal shows me the menu  I select the HJ. I ask her for a different girl and she seems puzzled.
my bad chinese, cause she held up two fingers?? two girl? jeez no.

I get undressed and hop into the shower and the door opens      its the fugly girl again.   Same routine as last time, she keps trying to push the BJ and I decline. This is Annoying as
hell. I could barely Finish

Recent Ratings
flappo84   29-5-2017 10:06  Karma  +4 lesson learned ;)
3QOxqK2Liy0t   28-5-2017 01:39  Acceptance  +1   

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