Subject: [Manila] Hailey of Daje
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Post at 24-10-2024 09:53  Profile P.M. 
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[Manila] Hailey of Daje

Name: Hailey of Daje
Location: Ushiotel, Timog Quezon City
Cost: 9000php 2pops, 500 transpo, 1000php additional hour
Face: 5/5
Body: 4/5
GFE: 5/5
Repeat: Yes

easy to book
arrives on time
smack and hug upon arrival
good conversation, easy to get along
shower together, good hygiene and smell
dfk, lots of it
69, great mic skills, almost got me right there
wot, mish, doggy

[ Last edited by  lakatan at 24-10-2024 10:01 ]

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Recent Ratings
Leg_o_man   31-10-2024 01:23  Karma  +4   Excellent
liveabroad9   26-10-2024 22:34  Karma  +4   Pretty cute.
dragon16   24-10-2024 23:14  Acceptance  +1   
22gingham   24-10-2024 19:06  Karma  +4   
Jjaa123   24-10-2024 17:59  Karma  +4   
johnwicked0413   24-10-2024 15:00  Karma  +4   Do you know if she outcalls to malate?
JT6969   24-10-2024 14:58  Acceptance  +1   
dienw   24-10-2024 12:36  Karma  +3   
Musky Member
Rank: 2

UID 295796
Digest Posts 0
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Karma 105
Acceptance 17
Reading Access 20
Registered 30-8-2023
Status Offline
Post at 25-10-2024 00:35  Profile P.M. 
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i think she would, just need to probably discussed about transpo fee

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