Subject: [Aberdeen][HK] Walk-up
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Post at 27-12-2024 02:24  Profile P.M. 
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[Aberdeen][HK] Walk-up

Location:  11th floor of Yue fei commerical center
Name:  Lora

Nationality & Language: Cantonese/Mandarin
Age: 40s
Face:  2.5 (due to age)/5
Body:  3/5
Skill:   3/5
Service: 2/5
GFE: 0/5
Price & Session Length: 500 for FS / 30-40 min
Repeat: NO
When she opened the door, she refused to stand in front. I had to peek inside to see what she looked like, and what do you know, she looked nothing like her pictures in the link above. Clearly was in her 40s with an okay face and okay body. Was incredibly hesitant on going in, but I had already been catfished by another 141 listing so I just figured I would go with it.
We showered together and I groped her breasts and body. I tried to go in for a kiss but she seemingly refused. The angle wasn't right anyways so I ignored this. After the shower she gave a quick BJ before hopping onto the bed. I tried to initiate some foreplay but she didn't reciprocate. In particular, everytime I kissed her she just held her mouth completely shut. Incredible turn off, I was still hard nevertheless but I just wasn't into it for the rest of the session.

Went into missionary and then CG and I felt both were quite subpar, the moans were almost nonexistent. Switched to doggy and that was much better and I finished. We showered together and then I left. Was overall a subpar experience but this is partly because I need GFE and intimacy in order to enjoy the session. If you just need sex, might be worth a punt.

Recent Ratings
Dukelok   27-12-2024 09:08  Karma  +3   
Adamkahn   27-12-2024 02:32  Karma  +3   Never feel bad about walking out. Better luck next time bro
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Post at 27-12-2024 13:57  Profile P.M. 
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@Adamkahn Yeah so the thing is her place was in a nice building and it seems she was the only one offering adult services on her floor which was partly why I think she refused to stand in front. I didn't want to loiter and so I went in after 10 seconds and at this point it was a clear maybe...

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