K-Pressure and Lily (and lost again on the way)
Date & Time of Session: 14 Nov 2018
Location: K-Pressure Woosung St
Name: Lily (or Lili)
Nationality & Language: PRC but more English than I have Mandarin (e.g. none)
Age: 30's and I am guessing, certainly not in her 40's
Face: Round
Body: Big boobs, not fake, no stretch marks, pale as a Twilight character. Tall.
Skill: 6/10
Service: 8/10
GFE: 6/10
PSE: 7/10
Price & Session Length: 390+120 Room
Repeat: Maybe
Dropped in after walking up from the Wan Chai-Kowloon ferry. I don't like Wan Chai as a hotel base but the price for five nights is good, great, really, as in free, zero, not a cent or dollar. Not even tax or service charges. Thank you SPG/Marriott merger.
Once again I got lost due to this reason: if you walk up Woosung from Austin ( I came through Kowloon Park which is a great walk) and you cross Jordan, the crosswalk is at Parkes, which I didn't remember, then could not find 111 since I was not on Woosung, I was on Parkes. North on Woosung from Jordan, it's the third entrance on the left side of the street.
Once that was sorted out I entered (tip: 390 and K on a yellow sign and it's the Cary Hotel and going from memory today the yellow sign is not the one on Google street view right now - but the same idea - even says OK!) - I saw the guy who showed me to a waiting room. I had a bottle of water so no tea offered, OK since it was hot and humid.
Then the older lady with pretty good English dropped in, and she "said" she remembered me, asked for specifications and such. She was quite willing to help out, so I said younger, I know they are not 18 but not on a pension either, real vs. fake boobs, small real > large fake, and not a complete starfish or noob. She said you know not that we have a lot but often the young girls are frankly, quite shitty at the job. I said well no fake boobs and lean towards more crazy than shy.
She brought in Lily and while I know there are others, there is nothing wrong with Lily, so I figure OK, if I send her away and two hags show up then I look like a complete knob end or I have to go through the entire 2 p.m. roster which might not be much anyway.
Lily is big on the full body soapy air mattress routine, but you can call a stop if it goes on too long. She's not heavy but tall so pretty good body slide coverage as a result.
A little handsy on the oral, and too fast so I asked her to slow it down which was fine. Not sure where these girls think a BJ at woodpecker speed is some how better. She used a bit of the hot cold water routine which I can take or leave.
Vs. using the PRC Army issue recycled bike inner tube feel nothing condom, I brought out a Skyn polyurethane which quite impressed Lily. Also it is larger than the pencil covers they pass off there as condoms.
All ended fine after three positional changes. I asked her to scratch my back ( where I could not reach) and got a weird massage which was nice but did not help when you need a back scratch, so Google Translate and miming saved the day. Google Translate comes in damn handy and so far seems to have been accurate enough to get the point across. Also Lily grabbed a new bottled water from the cooler in the hotel and stuck in in my backpack pocket on the way out. Nice.
I asked mamasan lady how much for two girls, it's HK$680 (for me anyway) and one room payment (unlike ST rooms in Thailand where they double the room price), so HK$100 discount off of the otherwise HK$780.
I asked if they raised the price since I was there, e.g. $400 or $450 and they have not so other prices here or 37D would be gouging unless I am getting the frequent visitor rate and I don't think that was the case.
[ Last edited by rickyricardo at 14-11-2018 17:50 ]
Recent Ratings
18-11-2018 14:11 Acceptance +3
"PRC Army issue recycled bike inner tube"! Classic quote. I will use it in future.
16-11-2018 16:10 Karma +4
Thanks for the solid report! Yes, small real > large fake, and, yes, always BYOC (bring your own condoms)
15-11-2018 22:30 Karma +3
15-11-2018 03:06 Karma +2
awesome and thanks
14-11-2018 17:48 Karma +5
Thanks. Haven’t been back to k-pressure or dundas street for years.