Subject: Horrible in Jordan
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Post at 9-6-2017 22:55  Profile P.M. 
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Horrible in Jordan

Had an absolutely horrible session for the first time in my life a couple of days ago with a Thai at Pilkem Street. Details below.

Date & Time of Session: 4 June
Location: Flat 63-A, 1/F, 61-63 Pilkem Street
Name: FangFang
Nationality & Language: Thai
Age: 24
Face: 3.5/5 - heavily made up. But can see she's not that bad underneath
Body: 4/5 - great actually. Tall (5'6 to 6'7) , with big tits and nearly shaved. Which made her bad service even worse. She had so much potential.
Skill: 2/5 - hardly bothered. Rushed me through as quickly as she could.
Service: 0/5 - Here's the second worst part. Sped up when I asked her to slow down. Ignored me when I asked her to change positions a few times. Her catbath was literally 10 seconds.
GFE: -1/5 - The worst. I've met a few Thais and I'm honestly shocked at how little of a crap she gave. Completely silent throughout. Face like a thundercloud. Got angry when I asked what was wrong (I asked very nicely). Rolled her eyes a couple of times and, get this, after I (which was within 10 minutes given how fast she tried to rush me) she walked away shaking her head. Didn't acknowledge me when I paid and tried to open the door before I wore my shoes.
Price & Session Length: 15 minutes - 350 HKD
Repeat: Never. I mean no one is forcing you to come here. If you don't like the work just leave.

Oh, for reference, Flat 63-D, 1/F is a-ma-zing. Was totally spoilt by her. But that's a story for another time.

[ Last edited by  Dearjohn at 9-6-2017 22:59 ]

Recent Ratings
waldo   12-6-2017 12:17  Karma  +5   thanks
alansept   10-6-2017 12:58  Acceptance  +1   
porkchops   10-6-2017 01:51  Karma  +4   Thanks!
JJJ37   10-6-2017 00:37  Karma  +4   
frogtaru   9-6-2017 23:59  Karma  +3   better luck next time
Phaychay   9-6-2017 23:12  Karma  +4   
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Post at 9-6-2017 23:19  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Dearjohn's post

Wow! I just submitted a post on the same person - Fang Fang. Totally agree bro. The worst punt ever for me! What a waste of time and $$$
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Post at 11-6-2017 19:07  Profile P.M. 
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I'm following the other thread you started with some fascination. But I agree that you can probably figure out whether a Thai is likely to be good or not good with a bit of conversation.

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