Subject: Sai Wan 345 Queen's Road West
Carnal Conqueror
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Post at 25-5-2017 00:20  Profile P.M. 
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Sai Wan 345 Queen's Road West

Thread Subject: Massage + HJ
Date & Time of Session:  21 May afternoon
Location:  345 Queen's Road West
Name:  didn't ask
Link: ... ?ref=Search(region)
Agent: n/a
Nationality & Language: Cantonese
Age: late 20s/early 30s
Face:  3/5
Body:  3/5
Massage Skill: 4/5
HJ Skill: 3.5/5
Service: 4/5
GFE: n/a
PSE: n/a
Price & Session Length:  $500 60mins
Repeat: no

I've walked by this place many times as I live nearby.  Inside is clean, maybe newly renovated.  Only one girl inside when I entered.

Massage is nice and firm but felt a bit rushed; towel followed by oil massage.

Bit of fingernails tickling to start off the HJ.  Didn't really do anything for me so flipped over soft.  Nice thought short balls massage which got me hard.  Normal HJ without nipple play, so nothing special.  Her clothes stayed on the entire time.  I was only allowed to grab her ass.

If you're looking for a clean place, decent massage and average HJ then this is an option.

Recent Ratings
JJJ37   26-5-2017 23:54  Karma  +3   
Mister   25-5-2017 13:43  Karma  +2   Lots of joints in WC and TST offer more access and younger girls for the price, though massage quality varies a lot
porkchops   25-5-2017 13:31  Karma  +4   Thanks!
hkpunter999   25-5-2017 04:07  Karma  +2   

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