Subject: [Bangkok] - Patty - Fiwfans (TSG Sideline)
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Post at 16-12-2024 03:33  Profile P.M. 
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[Bangkok] - Patty - Fiwfans (TSG Sideline)

Thread Subject: [Bangkok] Patty - Fiwfans  (TSG Sideline)
Location:  Bangkok, Thailand
Name:  Patty
Nationality & Language:Thai
Age: 22 (according to ad)
Face:  7/10
Body: 7/10
Skill: 4/10
Service: 5/10
GFE: 1/10
PSE: 1/10
Price & Session Length: 1500 BHT for 60 minutes
Repeat: No

Decided to give Patty a try after reading a review ( ... mp;extra=page%3D1).
Msged the line about 2-3 hours prior (wanted to meet around 7pm). Got a reply pretty quickly with the location. Hopped on a grab bike to get over there. The hotel was basically next to a highway with no stores around it but thats kinda what I had expected. Took a photo of the front to confirm I have arrived. Got up to the hotel room and Patty opened the door. She looked pretty spot on to her photos, but do assume the photos are slightly edited. After payment, she had me shower separately then wait for her to shower. She didn't really talk much. After her shower she got immediately into it where she licked my nipples and then gave me a BJ (BJ wasn't bad). She then got on top for cowgirl. But after a bit she said she got tired and kinda stopped. So I immediately took over. I think what was kinda annoying here was she had a massive bite or lump on her left waist. So I couldn't really grab her that side of her body. Wasn't any kissing or much pse, I did a couple more positions and decided ill just cut this short and leave early.

Recent Ratings
benben_MC   20-12-2024 16:51  Acceptance  +1   
kalvinhobbs   17-12-2024 07:57  Karma  +8   
JackTheBat   17-12-2024 06:51  Karma  +13   
Vuka   16-12-2024 23:50  Karma  +5   
dundu   16-12-2024 12:21  Karma  +2   
twfun   16-12-2024 10:00  Karma  +1   
Laszlo   16-12-2024 08:22  Karma  +5   
americafirst141   16-12-2024 03:39  Karma  +7   

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