Subject: [Bangkok] Thermae Cafe - MOMO
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Post at 21-11-2024 03:14  Profile P.M. 
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[Bangkok] Thermae Cafe - MOMO

[Bangkok] Thermae Cafe - Momo

Date & Session: Nov 90 mins
Location: Thermae Cafe
Name: Momo

Nationality & Language: Thai, Minimal English
Age: Didn't ask but I'd say mid 30's
Face: 4.0/5
Body: 4/5 (Almost perfect just a touch of Baby Damage)
Height: 153 (guessing, she's tiny)
Skill: 2/5
Service: 3/5
GFE: 5/5
PSE: 2/5
Price: 3000 baht (Plus 500 Tip)
Repeat:Maybe (too many fish in the sea)

Hi guys long time lurker first time poster. I've been dreaming about this moment for roughly 2 years, ever since I found this forum and "Asian Night" youtube page, I've always wanted to go punt in thermae. Read a bunch about the hit and misses and I definitely nailed this one. FYI, I like deep french kissing and GFE trumps everything for me, what can I say I'm a big sap. Anyways, after a 18 hour flight and another hour to get myself situated, off I went to Thermae. I arrived there around 11pm and it was bumpin' . I thought there was a queue outside the cafe and my heart sank until I got there. TBH , there was too many elgible candidates for me, but I was suckered by Momo, petite frame, classy style, nice rack (for her proportion) and rocking glasses, after several laps, I've made up my mind and approached Momo. Thankfully, she returned my glance with a smile. We talked abeit brief, since there was a language barrier, and I asked if she "kissed" (read that some girls in thermae won't kiss). She didn't understand and proposed me a price of 3000 for short time. No specified time but she told me we can take our time. Done and dusted, out of this world, accepted the price and off we went back to my hotel.
Took a shower together and she boy was I surprised, nice size tits and fat shapely ass to boot AND...hairless down there(closest comp to her build I would say Saki Okuda, look her up). I wanted to eat that monkey so bad....but to my surprised she wasn't a fan of DATY (less work for me I suppose). Quick pat down and off to the bed we went. Quick make out sesh and then capped with a covered blowjob (BJ was excellent , even when covered). She lubed up and off I went, not much moaning , but any reaction was a good reaction. Kept a steady vanilla pace and   One shot BOB here, very satisfied. We laid for a bit and snuggled, I mentioned I needed to find food and she asked me what Kind, she then became my pseudo tour guide to to Sukhumvit road and showed me a couple of spots to try out. From there we bid good bye. Incredibly lucky for me to nag her and her being my first from Thermae.

Imma probably make this a daily thing for my stay here, there was a BigTitty Milf I was eyeing as well, But will continued my posts during my stay here.

Recent Ratings
Bangkokbob   23-11-2024 06:43  Karma  +3   
kalvinhobbs   22-11-2024 23:11  Karma  +8   
abcock   22-11-2024 02:54  Karma  +2   
samboitee   21-11-2024 22:14  Karma  +4   
Esp88   21-11-2024 20:58  Acceptance  +1   
obe   21-11-2024 20:20  Karma  +10   Excellent
Romero2024   21-11-2024 15:15  Karma  +3   
bigboy4791   21-11-2024 14:58  Karma  +5   
kukooo   21-11-2024 10:46  Karma  +5   Welcome home
Peepomx   21-11-2024 06:24  Acceptance  +2   Welcome to posting and enjoy your punting
Vuka   21-11-2024 05:54  Karma  +5   Welcome to the party, pal!
JackTheBat   21-11-2024 03:29  Karma  +13   

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