Subject: Familia Nobre Feb 2024
Lustful Lord
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Post at 28-2-2024 20:41  Profile P.M. 
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Familia Nobre Feb 2024

Damage: $3,888
Number: #885
WIR: Probably, but definitely won't pick a short girl

Went there in mid Feb on a weekday evening.  About 50 WGs to choose from (30+ from China, 5+ from Korea/Japan, 5+ from Russia/Eastern Europe and 10+ from Vietnam).  I picked a mainlander.  All natural, but after taking her heels off she was only about 157cm.  Nice slim girl, she said she's 25 and I believe her.  Probably B cups.  There is a body massage bed in the room in a shower area, but if you're taller than 180cm both the massage bed and the "action" bed will be too short for you.  It was very uncomfortable for me and I ended up having to bend my legs a bit.  Anyway, the nuru was nothing to write home about, not really any better than what you can get in HK from one of the spas.  On to the "action", she said I was too big and she didn't allow me to do missionary or doggy, so just this lame ass cowgirl thing but she couldn't put the whole thing in.  I told her I would not be able to cum this way and so she put more KY in her V and moved faster (but still without putting my whole length inside her).  In the end, I took it out and just jerked off on her tits.  The whole thing was kind of lame.  She told me she can only stay 7 days at a time and she won't be able to return until two weeks later.

I had two free mini massage given to me in the sitting room by the Vietnamese girls.  That was quite enjoyable.

Recent Ratings
misterquimper   17-4-2024 01:58  Karma  +4   
jeffzeke   4-3-2024 14:18  Karma  +10   outstanding report, thanks for sharing. I have been to FN years ago.
Emailpt8888   1-3-2024 23:23  Acceptance  +1   Thanks for the review. Looks like bad service for the price here :(
Skepti10   1-3-2024 08:15  Karma  +4   Good to see macau reports, how much were the other nationalities?
Lustful Lord
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Post at 3-3-2024 20:47  Profile P.M. 
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Skepti10 - the other girls are all higher. Koreans and Japanese are around $6k.  I didn't look ask about the Vietnamese though.  The taller Chinese ones are around $4.5k.

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