Poll Subject: What is your favourite Macau sauna?  multiple choice : choose no more than 2 options [Show Voters]
Familia Nobre
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Subject: What is your favourite Macau sauna?
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Post at 3-2-2018 05:33  Profile P.M. 
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What is your favourite Macau sauna?

Heading to Macau soon and I am looking which sauna I should go to next time. Which one would you go to if you only had one night? Any tips are appreciated!

Thanks for your input!

P.s. I know I didn't get it all of the places or left others out like Darling, since they are not really saunas.

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hotstud123   16-9-2024 23:24  Acceptance  +1   
jca27   12-6-2024 12:06  Acceptance  +1   
Siemens94   2-4-2024 02:15  Acceptance  +1   
oatmeal12345   22-6-2020 01:03  Acceptance  +1   
pp2468   24-12-2019 03:46  Acceptance  +1   
richjiii   17-7-2019 22:16  Acceptance  +1   Favorable
Nycpunter   15-9-2018 01:50  Acceptance  +1   
newguyici   12-4-2018 14:20  Acceptance  +1   
Baboydave   13-2-2018 22:21  Acceptance  +1   Just an FYI, "The ONE" and "Landmark" are the same place.
jeffzeke   3-2-2018 13:18  Acceptance  +5   I voted for Rio but also like FN. Golden Spa is the other one I've been to, and it's good too.
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Post at 4-2-2018 16:54  Profile P.M. 
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If you are into the stuff of punting a JAV actress, there is one working in Emperor Sauna now and she'll be for another 2 weeks.  One of her video no. is KAWD-823.

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Siemens94   2-4-2024 02:15  Acceptance  +1   
singabonk   24-10-2018 08:42  Acceptance  +1   Thanks! but how much is it cost to see her?
ecchi   19-3-2018 02:17  Karma  +5   great info
jeffzeke   10-2-2018 15:19  Karma  +7   thanks for sharing! Who doesn't like JAV, it's awesome, LOL!
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Post at 4-2-2018 22:34  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by alex_french at 4-2-2018 16:54
If you are into the stuff of punting a JAV actress, there is one working in Emperor Sauna now and she'll be for another 2 weeks.  One of her video no. is KAWD-823.

^ Did you enquire on her shift times/how much it will cost for her?
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Post at 7-2-2018 10:09  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 Hurhurrahrah's post

around HK$6300 (21xx for voucher + 4100 surcharge for Japanese AV girl). I do not know her shift time. Normally good quality girl starts work around 7-8 pm

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jeffzeke   10-2-2018 15:20  Karma  +7   expensive, but JAV is worth it!
Mario78   9-2-2018 23:36  Karma  +1   Was she worth it?
Hurhurrahrah   7-2-2018 10:21  Acceptance  +1   That's a huge bomb to drop on a session haha, good info man, cheers!
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Post at 26-2-2018 14:42  Profile P.M. 
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I have only been to Familia Nobre and the One at Landmark.  The One seems more upscale and similar pricing.  They have a larger selection and better facilities.  I would vote the One based on my two experiences.

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Mario78   1-3-2018 19:56  Karma  +2   Thanks!
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Post at 6-3-2018 18:39  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Mario78's post

I heard that in Harbourview hotel, inside Macau Fisherman's Wharf, there is a newly opened sauna.

Did not go there yet, but if you like to try something new you can try this one, and of course report back.

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Post at 19-3-2018 02:21  Profile P.M. 
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For me, I'm a regular at East group and I certainly recommend East Castle and East Spa. Last trip I also tried The One and that was pretty nice also. So those are my top 3 although alex_french's intel on JAV at Emperor piked my interest about that place...
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Post at 21-3-2018 10:26  Profile P.M. 
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I only voted for La Familia Nobre since that is the only sauna I've been too. Based on the reports and information I've gathered from previous reports, it seems to give you the most bang for your buck. It is definitely now on my bucket list to visit all these saunas haha.
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Post at 3-4-2018 16:49  Profile P.M. 
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i love the show time in east spa
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Post at 9-4-2018 03:08  Profile P.M. 
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Hai guys,

I have a friend recommending a recently (roughly a year back) opened SPA called Di-Hu spa, any idea what that translates into? The ritual was like an auction house where you are brought into the pool of guys, the girls come in every 30 mins, whoever bid the number will get her first. tHanks in adv.
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Post at 11-4-2018 19:27  Profile P.M. 
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Di-hu Spa?

Correct me if I am wrong, looking for information on this spa (picture attached). If anyone knows what is the english name for it?

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Post at 12-4-2018 14:19  Profile P.M. 
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The last time I went to Familia Nobre, I was impressed with the number of pretty gals on the floor. By this, I am not referring to just the FS gals.
There were at least 1/2 dozen really attractive girls wearing red tops and black skirts (the ones doing the thigh massage), but even more impressive, it seems like all they also replaced most of the regular massage ladies (foot and shoulders) with younger and more attractive women.

Originally posted by Mario78 at 3-2-2018 05:33
Heading to Macau soon and I am looking which sauna I should go to next time. Which one would you go to if you only had one night? Any tips are appreciated!

Thanks for your input!

P.s. I know I didn' ...

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Post at 21-4-2018 08:43  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #11 MiracleCure's post

Any idea if Sauna is still open?
The Best Western hotel in Taipa now is called Inn hotel, yesterday I go to the hotel and try to find the Sauna but could not find it.
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Post at 22-4-2018 08:48  Profile P.M. 
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IDK about you guys but I like 18 sauna best...golden dragon hotel.. It's probably one of the biggest in size?  The line up is a good 60-100 girls ...about 5-10 russians at any given time.  I'm into the russians...  The fluffers are aggressive yeah just shoo them off ... so are the masseuses... food is ..ehh .. but for me since i go alone and like to keep low profile...I like bigger crowded places where I can just but a fly in the wall and do my things.  Smaller spas you are more noticeable...  I've been to east spa ...line up was ok for my taste..but then again..I'm into curvy thick girls...NOT FAT ..curvy.  I heard RIO is pretty cool.. watch the youtube videos... some guy literally went thru like 4-5 spas with hidden spy cam glasses on and recorded alot...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tz9XhmfsclA   and watch the related videos..you see the other spas

[ Last edited by  ch0wd0wn at 22-4-2018 08:52 ]

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okokokokok   21-6-2018 12:47  Acceptance  +1   Excellent
Pinkpuffy69   15-5-2018 04:50  Karma  +3   I like 18 a lot too for the lineup. I prefer Waldo to chill
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Post at 23-4-2018 16:48  Profile P.M. 
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I'm actually at Familia Nobre right now. 2 hours in, with attentive service so far. Will post a review here later. Only negative? The price has risen a whole bunch since I last saw the price list on one of the older reviews. (thigh massage was listed as 198 hkd in the older reviews, now it's 248hkd)
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Post at 15-5-2018 00:48  Profile P.M. 
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The last time I was in Macau (3 years ago), I use to frequent Supreme Sauna and the damage was around HK$2,500... Is this still standard price? I've been reading around and it seems like the damage has gone up as high as HK$3,500.
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Post at 15-5-2018 22:34  Profile P.M. 
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price lists

the other night I saw a pic of some sauna price lists and for the life of me cannot find the damn things again... Anyone who can direct me to the page please..Ife scrolled and clicked forever nearly..lol

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Post at 17-5-2018 15:24  Profile P.M. 
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hi guys,
i must add some info her , throe the years i visit all the above spas.
" the one " spa not get enough credit from our community, to my opinion should be much , much higher ....
just last month me and my friend visit and the service was much higher and friendly then others spas from this list...
the WG service in the rooms was very good (real deep throat and long time before fs) not just for me also to my friend , (i take chines girl, my friend Vietnamese) and wail we was talking we both saying same things about the great bbbj we get, witch was much better then others spas in macau....

in the month that pass , me was busy so no visit, but my friend have go already 3 times more and keep saying to me, this place best for him compere to the others ones in macau...

( a small note we are foreigners in our 50's)
p.s-  rely big thanks  for all of you guys for this great website

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stinkyfeet   17-5-2018 22:49  Karma  +8   Can you write a report with lots of lusty photos!
UncleDad   17-5-2018 21:37  Karma  +10   Thanks for insight. Although... I assume being a regular there helps make your experiences.....More favourable?
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Post at 5-6-2018 00:41  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Zonqur at 3-4-2018 16:49
i love the show time in east spa

When did you last vist East Spa? I stopped going there cos the quality of the shows have gone down drastically and it has become pricey! Before they used to have one girl per guy for the showtime. The last 4 times I went it was 1 girl for 2 guys... so while the girl was lap dancing on the guy next to me... i just watched on going crazy cos my lap was empty

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stinkyfeet   5-6-2018 09:48  Acceptance  +5   Sigh. I also miss the show time from the past
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Post at 21-6-2018 17:18  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #19 male_rabbit's post

So is it even worth going there anymore?
Would they have showtimes at like 2am?
I'm heading over but not sure if theres any point if theres no showtime on at that time.

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stinkyfeet   22-6-2018 03:35  Karma  +1   Nope. Go to Bangkok

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