Subject: JSL... interesting Thai Punt
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Post at 27-7-2023 21:08  Profile P.M. 
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JSL... interesting Thai Punt

Time: July 27th
Location: JSL 2nd floor
Nationality & Language: Thai (claimed vietnamese but probably a lie)
Face: 3.5/5
Body: 3.5/5
Skill: 3/5
Service: 2/5
Price & Session Length: 500

Went looking around at KH and JSL this week. The Russian supply at KH has been awful for the past two weeks. Thai supply has been bad too, but Chinese supply has been a bit better (not really my thing due to terrible service and upselling though).

Went through every floor at JSL a few times with nothing notable and was about to leave before I came across one final room on the second floor of JSL. The girl had a cute face, large boobs, and was dressed in a school girl outfit. Her voice was quite feminine so I didn't worry about LB risk.

After going in, I asked her where was from, she said Vietnam (pretty sure she's thai). Her lie made me wonder if she was an LB but there were no other red flags e.g voice, adams apple, hands, feet, augmented body, etc. She seemed quite nervous and uptight and asked why i kept looking at her.

Decent shower service, went on the bad, short CBJ, followed by some riding (not very good skill). After some riding she asked me to cum, usually i would find this annoying but I told her sure and asked her for some doggy then finished in mish.

Had some more small talk after showering alone, she said she was a nurse back home and that she was here for a month. When I was putting on my shoes she started to flirt with me, maybe as a way to get a tip, but i didnt simp and just paid the 500.

She seemed pretty depressed and not very happy to be here. Very grim but understandable.

Ive already posted about this before but the talent in HK has been terrible recently. It might as well be covid times...

Recent Ratings
xsamusx69   31-7-2023 10:33  Karma  +5   glad im not the only one to see quality going down
Someotherguy33   29-7-2023 16:55  Acceptance  +1   
relcom888   29-7-2023 09:26  Karma  +3   
Goose.Mk2   29-7-2023 08:31  Karma  +8   
HK_Legend   28-7-2023 17:34  Karma  +8   
energylung   28-7-2023 16:35  Karma  +4   Re bad talent - do u think it’s because triads are finding scamming people to be far more profitable and easier?
boscitc   28-7-2023 15:18  Karma  +8   
frollics1   28-7-2023 13:15  Karma  +4   Try kB in shoeing wan was some decent talent there last week
Mister   28-7-2023 12:41  Karma  +4   “Very grim but understandable”
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Post at 27-7-2023 21:36  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 toey_toad's post

Quite many rooms on 2nd floor which ones you talking about?
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Post at 28-7-2023 12:58  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 toey_toad's post

“she was a nurse back home and that she was here for a month …
She seemed pretty depressed and not very happy to be here”

Many P4P providers in HK, especially those who have been doing it for a few years, are contented with or at least resigned to their job. Some may even enjoy it.

But every once in a while, we come across a girl for whom entering this floating world is a choice she was forced into by economic or other exigencies, and when she lets the veneer of cheerful service slip we can glimpse a certain sadness.

I like a playful session but am occasionally reminded by subtle silent cues that few girls would sell themselves if they had better options. Treat them with respect like you would any fellow human.

Recent Ratings
Lt.Gator   6-8-2023 05:35  Acceptance  +1   Well written
sfdanny   2-8-2023 21:19  Karma  +2   
relcom888   29-7-2023 09:27  Karma  +3   Well said
honkong2012   28-7-2023 22:22  Acceptance  +4   
HK_Legend   28-7-2023 17:35  Karma  +8   Totally agreed.
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Post at 28-7-2023 17:54  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 Mister's post

SO away for the month, it was "party time" for me while the market (141 Walk Up and Wanchai bar girls) was BAD, very bad.

The result is quite volatile...and my area of "expertise" is ....Phoenix and Hing Loong....and Wanchai

Some who were quite cool & relax before turned completely turned bonkers, in panic
(resulting in STUPID total $nonsense actions = sad but THEIR lives)

But some, and NOT a communciation issue (the one I saw this morning for 1H does not speak 1 word of English and NO translatingA APP)
are able to sail through...while very different style.
The other one yesterday (great English) proved ....2 SHOTS in my mouth (+ the rest)...that she enjoyed my visit
so $ + fun +... "babysitting" = that works for her and for me.

The major "looser" who totally underlooked some business angles before for AGES,
totally overreacted, brainwashed, resulting in VERY STUPID irreversible $ decision/behavior (sad).

So at the end of the day, we have to be modest.
Their business, their lives, their decisions.
Even very close
(when you read the words "like family" even with a translating APP it probably means something)
you cannot "save" somebody against her will.

Better allocate your time and $ wisely.

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