Subject: Jenny ( from Thai porn sites)
Kinky King
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Post at 12-5-2023 16:20  Profile P.M. 
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Jenny ( from Thai porn sites)

Location : KH 10th room c6
Date / Time : 12 May 3:30
Name: Jenny
Nationality & Language: Thai, English
Age: I guess 28-30 maybe not sure didn’t ask
Face: 5/5
Body: 4/5
Height:155-160 small girl petite
Skill: 5/5 Excellent
Price & Session Length: 500
Repeat: Definitely, she here for 2 more weeks

Quick report inform the bros who missed her last time around
Took stroll at kinghing. Lo and behold recognised her from last time. And from the Thai porn sites like tultukpatrol Thai girls wild etc sites

She asked 500 upfront when u go in.
Showered together no rush  
Rocking body. But her tits are build it but not full on bolt ons.
Cbj (DT)
followed by her riding me then finish in mish while she fingering her clit all the way thru. Seem like she really enjoyed me   or she a real pro ha

Enjoy guys

Oh right. Up the lift 10 floor then turn Left and left again, go inside the corridor and turn right follow the way to the 2nd to last door should have. C6 on the door

[ Last edited by  jackgoro at 12-5-2023 16:42 ]

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Recent Ratings
neophyte   17-5-2023 22:55  Karma  +6   
magictime12   15-5-2023 12:36  Karma  +4   
Jack_Sparrow   14-5-2023 11:46  Karma  +5   
Mistaman   13-5-2023 13:45  Karma  +4   good recon. You would think she could get more than 500, seeing as she is doing porn..will ave to give her a go.
HK_Legend   13-5-2023 12:45  Karma  +8   
americafirst141   13-5-2023 11:08  Karma  +6   
austin821   13-5-2023 05:29  Karma  +5   
batman108   13-5-2023 00:36  Karma  +6   awesome and thanks
Jchenz   12-5-2023 22:50  Acceptance  +1   
monogamous   12-5-2023 22:49  Karma  +3   
ultimate0526   12-5-2023 22:46  Karma  +2   
JackTheBat   12-5-2023 20:52  Karma  +10   
momozzz   12-5-2023 19:03  Karma  +4   NMCOT but nice finding and sharing
john.cvb   12-5-2023 17:01  Karma  +2   
Mike747   12-5-2023 16:58  Karma  +5   Excellent
boscitc   12-5-2023 16:58  Karma  +8   Looks good

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