Subject: KH Russian 11/F
Kinky King
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Post at 17-1-2017 22:06  Profile P.M. 
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KH Russian 11/F

Date: 16/1
Location:  KH
Name: Forgot
Nationality & Language: Russian, decent english
Age: didn't ask, look like 20-22
Face:  3/5
Body:  small tits and slim
Skill: 2/5
Service: 3/5
Price & Session Length:  $600 30min
Repeat: no

Went there in the evening, go through all floors once then decided go for her. She's from Siberia, brunette with nice face. Her room's floor is wet and dirty, so I didn't kiss her nipples. BJ only for a short while, then decent cowgirl,      for doggie. Her pillow  is fucking smelly   Luckily i didn't kiss her nips as she didn't take shower after we bang bang

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JJJ37   28-1-2017 02:47  Karma  +1   
kuori2   17-1-2017 23:42  Acceptance  +1   "Her room's floor is wet and dirty, so I didn't kiss her nipples" What kind of cause/consequence is that haha thanks ...
MinorInfection   17-1-2017 22:20  Karma  +1   I agree. Cleanliness and hygiene is very important, especially in this line of work...
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Post at 19-1-2017 02:34  Profile P.M. 
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I didn't bother with her name. She was the youngest one with a pretty face. $600. Showered myself. Cbj. Fake moans. Very slim . Shaven. Could feel her leg hairs on my legs when pounding her. Didn't bother asking for anything but for $600 young Russian I couldn't expect much as I was saving $500 than HG in tst and no photo shop or bait and switch. Overall okay experience. Would do it again but I saw a tight ass spinner on the 14th floor.
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Post at 25-1-2017 17:52  Profile P.M. 
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Yes,  she was the most prettiest girl and she didn't shower after my sessions.  Good thing was she accepted crazy lickIng her pussy, asshole and body everywhere. Her light and slim body was nice to move to different excotic positions.   However her no smile attitude turned me off.   After knowing her no cleaning herself after another bros,  I will not go back.  Overall my two punts with her were enjoyable.
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Post at 26-1-2017 21:16  Profile P.M. 
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Russian walk up

Is KH the best place for Russian walk up? I never tried Russian before, but would like to try next month when I visit HK.  what is the average price for Russian walk up?
Kinky King
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Post at 27-1-2017 22:30  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Nelson88 at 25-1-2017 17:52
Yes,  she was the most prettiest girl and she didn't shower after my sessions.  Good thing was she accepted crazy lickIng her pussy, asshole and body everywhere. Her light and slim body was nice to mo ...

WTF!!!You still licked her pussy and asshole even you knew she never take shower
Kinky King
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Post at 27-1-2017 22:31  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by wsken at 26-1-2017 21:16
Is KH the best place for Russian walk up? I never tried Russian before, but would like to try next month when I visit HK.  what is the average price for Russian walk up?

King Hing in Mongkok average HKD 600
Fuji in Causeway Bay average HKD 800

Maybe the quality in Fuji better


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