Subject: Win - Wan Chai - 105 Queens Road East
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Post at 3-1-2017 13:57  Profile P.M. 
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Win - Wan Chai - 105 Queens Road East

Date & Time of Session: Friday the 30th - 3:30pm
Location: 4th floor - 105 - 107 Queens Road East Wan Chai
Name: Win or Milk - She said she has 2 names
Nationality & Language: Thai with very good English!
Age: Mid to late 20's
Face: 4/5 - Cute face, very pretty
Body: 4/5 small boobs but long legs, nice ass & nice flat stomach
Skill: 4/5 - great dry massage, not rushed, great BBBJ
Service: 5/5
Price & Session Length: 550 - 45 minutes but must of been over an hour!
Repeat: If I find her again

Sorry guys as I am in Shenzhen so I cannot provide any links. But Win does not have a link anyway!

I had a meeting in HK on Friday morning, then arranged to meet an old friend for lunch, after a couple of lunch time beers at the Queen Vic (and some decent food) and a very good catch up with an old friend, I decided to have a punt before heading back to Shenzhen. I decided not to go for my usual rub and decided on a walk up. I did not have my HK sim card with me so had to use wifi, I saw Eva on the forum and her pics looked good so I headed to Queens road for a better look.

I made a rookie mistake and as I got to the building, realised I had no cash (I use WeChat for most things these days!) so back I went to find an ATM.

Finally I got to the 4th floor & found Eva's door, I swear this woman is advertised on almost every floor!! 2nd & 3rd floor has stickers guiding you to the 4th floor to her room!!

I knocked on her door & there was no answer so on I went to the end of the hall, I saw Wins door & saw that on her door was a sign, many signs to be honest but one that caught my eye (other than heels & stockings, see the picture of her door below). was "hot ball massage, should try!"

So I knocked on her door & Win answered and spoke very good English, I could see right away she was not Chinese. She was pretty IMHO and quite tall in her heels, about 5'6 ish, I asked how much for a massage & she said 650 including FS and the time was for 60 minutes, all this in English, I was quite impressed at how open she was speaking with me, really friendly, but I still wanted to check out a couple more doors, so I said thank you and walked on.

I knocked on Evas door again & she answered, she did not look good, she looked plastic! Way too much make up, almost like a clown. I said thanks but no thanks & went back to Wins door, when she answered she showed me a price list 45 minutes massage & FS for 550. In I walked.

She has lovely legs & arse! I asked if she was on the forum & she said no, the 'bosses' thought her face was not good enough for the forum WTF! Her face was lovely! She is very very talkative.

I showered alone whilst she prepared the bed for a massage, she is talking to me saying she has been to HK a lot, sometimes she is also in Singapore, I guessed she was Thai & she said yes, from Bangkok & she misses her home. As the massage started we kept talking, about HK & Thailand. I told her that her massage was quite good, she said to me:

"It is even better if I stop talking!" ha ha which made me laugh cos she never stopped talking, I usually do not like this, but she was so much fun I actually found myself joking with her. She told me she never studied massage before, very honest of her, but she just learnt herself from getting massages & watching people get them, it seemed to have worked, she gave me a good dry massage for about 30 minutes & then went on to my legs, which were quite painful & she told me they were very tight, she spent about another 10/15 minutes just on my legs, never complained about the time.

She asked me to flip over and then she stopped talking, time to get serious! she applied some oil to my balls & LB, she then rubbed her hands together quickly and this was the hot ball massage, again, she must of spent 5/10 minutes doing this, massaging my LB & balls & rubbing her hands together to get them warm, then doing it again. This felt so good

She took her time doing this I was wondering if we were going to have FS or just a HJ so I tried my luck and asked for a BJ. She said OK but she would need to clean LB up for CBJ, then she looked at me and said...

"I do not usually do this but.." and she proceeded to give me a BBBJ

Man this was so good, watching her do this, switch between BBBJ & HJ, she was so focused doing it, she never gave me eye contact, never took her eyes off my LB, she just kept licking, sucking & giving me a HJ. Not sure how long I lasted but I just shot everywhere!

We had a laugh about me shooting everywhere & her jumping out of the way, I got washed & she gave me a kiss & hug, paid & left.

Damage: 550 & tip! I gaver her a good tip, she never clock watched, turned her phone on to silent & never complained about the time, a true pro

WIR - Hell yes! She was lovely.

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Recent Ratings
lanciawrx   10-1-2017 12:22  Acceptance  +1   
studdmeister   5-1-2017 21:36  Acceptance  +1   nice ass
NeverWong   5-1-2017 12:25  Acceptance  +1   Excellent
batman108   5-1-2017 01:42  Karma  +4   awesome and nice
donkeykongjr   4-1-2017 07:31  Karma  +2   
ergodyne85   3-1-2017 21:56  Karma  +2   Nice! Did she say how long she'll be in town?
ramont   3-1-2017 21:15  Karma  +8   nice find on the fly
obe   3-1-2017 18:49  Karma  +10   Jealous
joey88   3-1-2017 17:48  Karma  +2   Thanks!
cruman999   3-1-2017 14:19  Karma  +2   Geeting an early taste of thai to warm yourself up for a bangkok mate :)

'Yes, Madam, I am drunk, but in the morning I shall be sober and you will still be ugly.'
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Post at 3-1-2017 21:15  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Petay_1283's post

Actually, there is a link for Win and the profile is up on the DB pretty regularly, although it lists her and Eva both on the 5/F. Here is a photo to see if it's the same girl:

I think the group that runs these Thai Part-Time Buddies that rotate between JSL, QRE105 & Southern Bldg in FH is pretty lazy about their profiles and have no problem using the same old profiles for different girls, so it may be that the profile listed isn't really Win, but she's one of the girls they use with it.

I saw one of the Thais in QRE and she sounds a little similar to Win but definitely not the girl in the profile as the girl I saw didn't have big tits. But she was chatty, personable and also mentioned frequenting Singapore and could event do the accent pretty well.

Here's Eva's link also, and she does look like a pass to me also.

Recent Ratings
uzaktbk   13-1-2017 12:56  Acceptance  +1   I get very pissed off at times when the chick who opens the door and doesn't look like the ones posted..... also they r ...
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Post at 3-1-2017 21:49  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 ramont's post

Yeah that picture isn't her, but what you said sounds a lot like her, sorry you are right, it isn't the fifth floor, not the 4th.

Recent Ratings
ramont   9-1-2017 21:57  Karma  +1   Same girl as a few years back

'Yes, Madam, I am drunk, but in the morning I shall be sober and you will still be ugly.'

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