Subject: JSL dont go today
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Post at 20-11-2024 18:04  Profile P.M. 
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JSL dont go today

JSL around 4:30 PM

First time I have seen no people waiting at the lift, and only a few confused punters roaming the empty hallways. 95% of the rooms are "please wait" and the final 5% are the resident few thats been living in JSL for the past year or more. There has been alot of construction stuff and people around lately, and the backdoor exit has a hole in the ground with some old guys staring at it while looking angry and important. Possibly water damage or leak and perhaps the rooms are out of water, which would explain the rooms all being marked "please wait".

On the other hand KH is full and alive, too many people even, no stunners sadly.

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slickric423   21-11-2024 03:46  Karma  +1   heard theres been raids lately
Hobbier   20-11-2024 20:51  Karma  +4   
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Post at 20-11-2024 23:30  Profile P.M. 
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Been to KH around 5pm today and all the rooms are empty as well. Do anyone know what is happening?

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stainedbutter   22-11-2024 22:37  Karma  +1   KH looks crowded now
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Post at 21-11-2024 22:19  Profile P.M. 
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Are they back??? Wonder if this has to do with the police raid.
Lustful Lord
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Post at 22-11-2024 18:30  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 goldenpanda's post

semi normal, now around 15-20% of the rooms are open while the rest are marked "please wait". Difficult to tell how many are busy, and how many are empty. But residents girls are all there, all open, but to be fair, i dont think many people actually visit the resident girls, their doors are almost always "welcome", when you have been to JSL enough times, you kind of remember where they live and which stickers are on the door.

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