Subject: Cambodian in Fuji - NOPE!
Carnal Conqueror
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Post at 23-5-2017 14:52  Profile P.M. 
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Cambodian in Fuji - NOPE!

  This is a straight warning post about this WG and my experience, so no rating template (hope that's alright).  

Went to Fuji on Sunday to check it out, as my Russian experiences in KH the day before had been great . Alas, it was not to be. It was a busy evening and it seems like only two Russians were around, and busy.

I saw this girl with a cute face on the 3f, from Cambodia, price was 500. "Sure, she's got a cute face," I thought. "Why not?" Let me tell you why not.

- something wrong with her voice, obviously very sick with a cold or flu First Red Flag
- her first day, didn't know how to turn on the hot water
- said my LB was very big, but not in the nice way... seemed worried about it Yellow Flag
- for a 4/5 face, had a 1/5 body, with awful scarred fake tits Yellow Flag
- cold shower, little to no soap, left her heels on the bed when she invited me to lie on it (at this point I'm planning to leave)
- she takes off her panties, and there's an enormous pad; "pee red, is okay?" she asks. Second Red Flag and I'm out

"No thank you, I'm going," I said.

"No fuck?" she croaked.

"No, no fuck. Sorry, bye bye."

Paid her 100$ for the 10min I was there and got the fuck out. Honestly, I feel terrible for her as I was her first punt on her first night (she had a little notebook that she showed me when she saw my tattoos and dick, noted the time and date for her first work). Ugh. Overall a disappointing and pitiable experience.

Recent Ratings
asurada00   24-5-2017 18:02  Karma  +2   that's depressing.
UncleDad   24-5-2017 12:15  Karma  +4   Thanks for TOFTT.... Although... Things might be different in a few days after she feels better.
frogtaru   24-5-2017 03:15  Karma  +3   yiekssssssssssssssss
porkchops   23-5-2017 23:25  Acceptance  +4   Part of the hobby...
Petay_1283   23-5-2017 18:27  Karma  +4   unlucky.
twiceAweek   23-5-2017 16:22  Karma  +5   bad luck lol
Kortaro   23-5-2017 15:07  Karma  +2   Thanks for the heads up.
Carnal Conqueror
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UID 190298
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Post at 24-5-2017 00:03  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 rogell's post

Yeah super bad luck eh?

Anyway, trying to spread some better luck for ya'll by warning you off my bad experience.

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