Subject: ----Social Media Reports Guidelines and Template---
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Post at 16-11-2013 12:15  Profile P.M. 
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----Social Media Reports Guidelines and Template---

Social Media Reports

Often WG's are sourced through Social Media sites and apps such as Tagged, QQ, Momo, iAround, WeChat, or even FaceBook.  New apps such as Tinder apppear daily.  

Reporting on the source of a WG located through social media is much more challenging that in other areas.  In some cases the apps used do not lend themselves to sharing usernames.  For example, there is no way to search for a username in  A URL to the WG's profile may be possible.

Reports that do not contain enough info for another board member to find that girl are of limited use.  Remember this board is all about reviewing WG's so that we can find the good ones and shower them with our donations.  It isn't an erotica site.  Please post erotica type stories in Mongering Talk.

Even without source info, reports can still be useful if they contain other information such as techniques used to find the girl, how you determined that she was a WG and such.  If your report can help another bro find a similar girl, then it is useful.  

Protection of WG's
We have always had a strong desire to protect the WG's that we report on.  That's why we have Reading Access rules on pics, so that family members and co-workers do not discover the WG.  WG's often have kids and have been abused by family and friends after being outed, so this is important.

With social media this becomes even more important, especially as many Social Media WG's are part timers, and many of them don't maintain a separate WG identity - they naively give out their real names and Facebook accounts.

Identity is just as important to protect as images and should be protected with the same (or higher) RA. Links can be written into pictures which are RA 30 or higher. If necessary please RA the entire thread.  And if you suspect a girl is using her real name, please don't write on her wall - send her a PM - and suggest she make a pooning identity.

Report Template

This is standard report template with a couple of sections changed for Social Media reporting.

Name of Girl
Date of session:
How to Find This Girl:  Social Media Username, Link to Profile, Name of site/app.
Estimated age of the girl and/or actual age:
GFE: How do you rate her giving you a “Girl Friend Experience”
PSE: Ditto about the “Porn Star Experience” the girl gave you.
Price: How much did this all cost you, actual amount paid to her as well as other incidentals
Language: what language(s) you/she spoke and rating of her ability in such.

Detailed report of your experience:

Checklist on what to include/do on your report:

  • HOW YOU DETERMINED SHE WAS A WG - Social media is full of civvies, how did you find out that this girl was pay to play?
  • PICTURES – which not only says a 1,000 words, but more importantly allows bros reading your report to instantly understand what you are writing about - and of course they attract Karma.  Please do not post pics taken from a girl's social media site UNLESS she is exclusively using it as advertising.
  • PARAGRAPHS – One of the most obvious but many times forgotten rule in good report writing; A Wall of words is just so off-putting, hard to read and most likely given up on.  
  • REPORT QUIRKS, UNUSUAL THINGS/HAPPENINGS – Yes, this is what will separate your report from the rest and make it not only very informative but more important, entertaining and K gathering! Also, such unusual things elicit the most response from others – which of course will assist you in keeping your report relevant longer.   
  • USE ALL THE FUNCTIONALITIES OF THIS FORUM – make your report pleasing to the eye; use emoticons,  different coloring, fonts/size, bold, italics and whatever else you can think of to make your report stand out.

[ Last edited by  yazoo at 15-6-2016 15:34 ]

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