Subject: CWB HK massage ....the good kind of pain?
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Post at 15-12-2024 11:26  Profile P.M. 
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CWB HK massage ....the good kind of pain?

When it comes to optimal service delivery, the ultimate would be someone who knows how to really massage you, can 'feel' all the pain points, and then offer great 'additional services', also the big thing with me, is not bloody multitasking with the smartphone...Alas, I'm still searching.

However, I think I've found the ultimate massage therapist in HK.

Date & Time of Session:  December 2024
Location:  Causeway Bay, see IG link below. Inside a new gym.
Name:  Ivy
Nationality & Language: HK, Canto/PTH/little English
Age: +/- 30yo
Face:  4/5
Body: 4/5
Height:  150cm
Skill: 5/5 for massage. No additional services on offer.
Service: 5/5
GFE: 4/5

Price & Session Length:  $600 / hour + tips
Repeat: For sure.

The place is in a section of a small new gym on Hennessy Road. I arrived early, and Ivy was waiting for me, with a big smile. I changed into shorts and a t-shirt, and lay on the floor.

Ivy knows exactly the parts of your back, neck, shoulders are weak. Then goes about manipulating your joints like you can't believe. She knows more moves than a jiujitsu black belt, deep joint manipulation and pressure. The pain!!! At one point I was almost crying. This went on continuously for an hour or so.

She then took me into the gym section and told me what back strenghening exercises I should be working on by myself.

Ivy is really professional and passionate about massage therapy, even showing me her certificates and also videos of her 'sifu'.

I left >60 minutes later, refreshed, with better shoulder/neck movement. Slept better as well.

Yes, I will be back.

Consider some karma points for me bros

Recent Ratings
orangerange   21-12-2024 18:44  Karma  +4   
Fulltits   18-12-2024 15:23  Karma  +3   
wingardium   17-12-2024 20:49  Karma  +3   Real massage
adrenal   17-12-2024 14:33  Karma  +4   how much did you tip
BrownNuts   15-12-2024 21:55  Karma  +4   
LittleWing   15-12-2024 11:40  Karma  +4   Yes, a real massage can be a lot better than the "fill in some time before sex" type...

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