Subject: Bitto Spa - Mimi
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Post at 11-9-2020 16:02  Profile P.M. 
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Bitto Spa - Mimi

Thread Subject: Bitto spa
Date & Time of Session: end of August 2020 in afternoon
Location:  Causeway Bay (On Percival Street)
Name:  Miki
Agent: They have a telegram and I booked using Telegram
Nationality & Language: Chinese, Cantonese
Age: mid 40s
Face:  6/10 (NMCOT - very northern mainland looking)
Body:  9/10
Skill: 8/10
Service: 6/10
GFE: 5/10
PSE: 4/10
Price & Session Length: HK$900 with massage (60 mins)
Repeat: no

I had a couple of good punts at Bitto Spa before and I have seen pictures of Miki with large breasts. So I used telegram to book Miki. Went up and apparently she was in the other spa (Perfume) and she had to walk over. Not good. Showered alone in the narrow shower and waited for like 15 minutes before she arrived.

The mama San did ask if I would have her instead and I said no. She was short and looked quite old. Jesus.

Miki arrived and she looked nothing like the photo (even if the face is covered in the pics). She was from mainland and she looked like she was in her mid 40s. It felt like a B&S. Beginning to think all they have are old gals now.

The massage proceeded ok and she took off her clothes and after the massage, proceeded to rub her clit over my back. Wasn’t finding that erotic at all.

On the flip, she catbathed me then it was on with the condom for CBJ. She asked me to wear a mask so that she doesn’t need to and give me CBJ. OKAY.

Sex was ok. She CG me and she moaned. I grabbed her hips to push her down and she moaned more. She was a trooper and was CG for a good 5 minutes or so. Then it was missionary and I tried to come as quick as possible with my mask on.

At last I blew my load and I rested as she showered first. Then I cleaned myself, paid and left.

It was a reasonable punt but the difference of the pics and real person really bothered me. It may be the last time I will come to this spa.

Recent Ratings
Greatballsofire   28-9-2020 10:05  Acceptance  +1   
d4ve88   23-9-2020 00:22  Karma  +3   Favorable
trust_00   12-9-2020 15:39  Karma  +2   Thanks
twiceAweek   11-9-2020 23:42  Karma  +6   thanks

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