Subject: dragon tendon massage
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Post at 20-11-2024 11:29  Profile P.M. 
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dragon tendon massage

Name: Iris
Date: Nov 2024
Telegram: @iris888822
Location: TST
Nationality & Language: Cantonese
Age: Late 30s
Face: 3/5
Body: 4/5
Service: 5/5
Price & Session Length: $1300 for 90 mins
Repeat: Yes and have already

I like to try new to do Dragon tendon massage every once in awhile just to help the body situation. Most of the places I've tried have been crap and usually just do a HJ or pointless random touching.

Found Iris who previously worked at a spa but has since moved out to her own place for dragon tendon massage.

She said she has learned from Thailand before and would go back every few years for education. Has a bunch of certificates which shows she went.

Her dragon massage seems legit as I feel a difference in performance after. She also gives many tips like drinking less cold things and also to not cum for next few days for better effect.

Anyhow, her massage starts with the back like regular massages and then after flip will go to stomach massage. This part is quite painful for me. After that will work down to little bro and will also massage the prostate which not all bros like but she seems to know what she's doing.

She is a bit cute and short but is already a bit old now so she decided to switch to dragon tendon massage as she can't compete with looks for nuru massages.
She also has a bunch of addon in packages like scraping sand and chinese medicine on little bro pump.  So you gotta ask her for the prices and addons if interested.
I personally like the scraping sand as I feel more energetic the next day.

Anyhow, if you bros are looking for a health upgrade, I would recommend trying her out every once in awhile.


Recent Ratings
davidj42   24-11-2024 22:51  Acceptance  +1   Does she speak any English?
myketin   22-11-2024 16:51  Karma  +3   What are the add ons?
sogetthis   20-11-2024 12:54  Karma  +3   Original
dienw   20-11-2024 12:31  Karma  +4   Thanks. Any release involved?
Carnal Conqueror
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UID 280187
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Post at 30-11-2024 00:23  Profile P.M. 
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She speaks some english but not very well.

Her add on is nuru and she can perform the cum fountain spray. But she says she rarely does it and only with repeat customers.

For the dragon tendon massage, best you don't release for a few days. She won't help you release at end.

Recent Ratings
saunamaster   30-11-2024 12:38  Karma  +3   cum fountain spray - havent found any WG that offered that ! Karma point for highlighting that option from a WG ! LOL
zebra   30-11-2024 01:57  Karma  +6   Cum fountain play?

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