Subject: Wish now back as W Spa 88
Kinky King
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Post at 24-10-2024 17:30  Profile P.M. 
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Wish now back as W Spa 88

Seems there was a bit of a mess up by Wish but they're back (possibly in 2 days). Go to @Wspa88 on Tg and @Wspa8cs for reservations

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otkmnl88   20-11-2024 09:20  Acceptance  +1   
chunkibutt   14-11-2024 20:13  Karma  +3   
Rickymonkey626   9-11-2024 07:29  Karma  +1   Be cautious as they are now doing B&S if it's the first time seeing a girl. Service going down hill
crazeguyuk   8-11-2024 16:40  Karma  +2   
Dboy10   26-10-2024 23:19  Acceptance  +1   Favorable
Sunshine888   26-10-2024 18:28  Acceptance  +1   
Jordison2   26-10-2024 11:26  Karma  +3   What was the issue? I saw the channel was dead for 2 days already.
myketin   25-10-2024 18:18  Karma  +3   Thank you
davcha   25-10-2024 07:54  Karma  +5   Just spoke to the boss. She said all okay and use new to contact.
longtimelurker   24-10-2024 23:14  Karma  +4   MVP
orangerange   24-10-2024 23:01  Karma  +4   
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Post at 8-11-2024 14:00  Profile P.M. 
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Full details in case you lost contact like me

TG Channel 頻道 @Wspa88
TG reservation 預約:@Wspa8cs
24小時 中環SPA Working 24 hours Central Spa +85246565251

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HKGPeter   19-11-2024 13:44  Karma  +2   Thank you.
Kinky King
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UID 259587
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Post at 19-11-2024 10:46  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 Dboy10's post

Just bumping this in case anyone missed it.

Recent Ratings
HKGPeter   19-11-2024 13:44  Karma  +1   Thank you.

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