Subject: Shenzhen Luohu Fuyuan Spa (Round 2)
Carnal Conqueror
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Post at 16-8-2017 16:14  Profile P.M. 
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Shenzhen Luohu Fuyuan Spa (Round 2)

Late post from my July trip to Shenzhen for Biz.

Date & Time of Session: 7/10/2017 @ ~3:00 PM
Location:  Fuyuan Spa
Name:  #80
Nationality & Language: Mainland Mandarin
Age: 21 years old
Face:  3/5 – Cute face
Body:  2/5 – Super skinny with no ass but has B+ tits.. extra point for tits
Skill: 1/5 – Jackhammer HJ…
Service: Arranged a time with her directly.
The usual spa/sauna process… In, shower, change, lounge. Waited for her to arrive and went to the room. She came in, acted very bubbly and young. As expected of a 21 year old girl… Very talkative, nice to chat with. She started crappy massage. Teasing LB by going underneath my Kung Fu outfit. I started to rub her legs and thighs and then massaged her titties. Nice and soft and real…
Then the role play started… she started acting like she has a stomach ache and saying it hurts. She left the room to take some medicine, she was gone for 10 mins! She came back and then went right to telling me to take off my shorts. She took off her top and bra to expose her luscious B+ boobs! I tried to take off her bottom but she was wearing stockings up to her waist!   She let me suck on her tits and I was rubbing her LS from the outside. She then initiated jackhammer mode with her right hand. She destroyed my LB but I managed to   before my foreskin ripped off!
She went out to clean her hands and came back. Attempted to do some light massage again but complained that her stomach hurt again. She asked if she could leave the room and I said sure. I napped in the room for 40 mins! Then as I was leaving, I got lost in the corridors. Had to ask the cleaning lady to guide me out…
Left the room, cleaned up, dressed, tip the locker boy.  
GFE: 2/5
PSE: 1/5
Price & Session Length:  318 RMB (I think) 90 mins + 20 tip for locker boy.
Repeat: Hell no with this girl unless I want my dick to be ripped off.  Spa is a maybe.

PM me for WeChat contact

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Recent Ratings
jj1991123   24-8-2017 01:42  Acceptance  +1   Original. Nice report. Short and sweet. Which location at Luohu is this? Wechat contact would be much appreciated.
batman108   18-8-2017 12:55  Karma  +3   Awesome and thanks
LeoCan   18-8-2017 08:15  Karma  +5   
zorkelias   17-8-2017 20:50  Acceptance  +1   wechat bro?
porkchops   16-8-2017 17:42  Karma  +4   Thanks!
aurufc   16-8-2017 17:06  Karma  +4   cute but full tights?
obe   16-8-2017 16:42  Karma  +10   Now that's a spinner!

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