Subject: AngelBaby, WeChat Girl in Shekou Shenzhen - Warning
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Post at 6-10-2016 09:15  Profile P.M. 
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AngelBaby, WeChat Girl in Shekou Shenzhen - Warning

So I had to make a quick trip back to Shenzhen on business and decided to stay once again in Shekou. There is a small hotel named Honlux right on the on the Sea World plaza.  Nice hotel but the main benefit of the hotel, besides reasonable prices, is that it is a short walk to the bar scene that I and others have written about. Not to mention the good selection of restaurants near the hotel.

On this visit I tried something different. I set WeChat to look for people nearby and then I attempted to engage them in conversation. This was fun to do and I spent much of an evening chatting with a few people, mostly young women. One of them, named Angel (ID=angelbaby) seemed nice and she offered to meet up with me on the plaza. So off I went and met her near at an appointed spot in front of one of the restaurants. We talked for a while and asked me if I would like to go for a drink. Off we went to a bar near the big landlocked boat at the far end of the plaza. Once we got in there I realized that this was more than a friendly visit because Angel went behind the bar, got something out of a bag she had stored there, and talked to the bartender. So it was obvious she knew the people there quite well.

We had a couple of drinks and then the conversation turned to what was I doing for the rest of the evening. Angel was looking for companionship and she even had prices for it! Now I was beginning to see how the operation worked but I was OK with it as her fee for some fun in my room did not seem to be too high (I recall about 800 RMB). OK, it was not a bargain either, but I was having a nice time with Angel.

Next, we went to my room. Things started to get interesting here. First, she wanted to use the bathroom to relieve herself. OK, no problem. She squatted on the toilet as though it was a floor toilet. She didn't mind that the bathroom door was wide open and I could see everything.  OK, no problem. Then she took a long shower. OK, still no problem. Then on to the bed where the "fun" began. And did things ever take a turn I had not expected.

First of all, she informed me that she was on her time of the month and therefore any activity around her nether-regions was off limits!  Of course I was not happy. She promised me that she would make it up to me in other ways. But ......  she really didn't. Too many restrictions. No kissing, everything of hers I touched was delicate, nipples didn't like my mouth, etc. etc. Finally I just got up, dressed and asked her to leave. She was Ok with that but I had not yet paid her. So I gave her 400RMB for her time and told her that was all she was getting because she had not delivered anything.

Now the real "fun" began and the word is in quotes for a reason. She really wanted the 800 RMB. I said no. She argued with me, in her English that was not bad actually. Her voice got louder. She looked around the room to see what valuables of mine were available to grab.  I could see her eyes searching, but I had made sure before I went out that every last little thing of value was either well tucked away or in the safe. Including the cash and of course, and my wallet. She was now not happy as there was nothing for her to get her hands on, but she still absolutely refused to leave. No way was she leaving. So I just sat down and waited her out. She waited me out. Eventually I could see that I was going to take all night doing this.

At one point she grabbed my glasses and told me I would not get them back until I paid her. That was sure a problem for me as I needed my glasses and they are expensive. I decided to not try to grab them back as I felt she would fight back and I didn't want any physical altercations. So instead, I chose to distract her by staying near but not close, and then arguing more with her. At one point, she looked the wrong way and I grabbed my glasses back. Phew!

Finally I called security. They did not want to come up but eventually they realized that there was a problem they had to attend to. The security guy, hardly the burly type, came into the room and I told him that I had a guest who would not leave. I asked him to help get her out. Next thing I know, he was negotiating with her and she still didn't want to give up. So he tried to get me to pay her the final 400RMB. I told him no and she just argued back. This went on for a while, clearly it was not getting solved.

And then, FINALLY, just like that, she decided to give up. She swore at me, called me all sorts of bad names, and then stormed out!  It was over. I thanked the security guy profusely. After he left I triple checked that the door was locked and went off to bed.

I sure slept well that night!

Lessons learned about taking girls back to my room. I learned to be extra careful, really really careful who I take to the room. Looking back I think i saw the signs of possible trouble while we were in the bar, but I had not noticed at the time. It was more her attitude that should have alerted me.

No more WeChat girls for me. The bar scene is much more fun anyway.

Recent Ratings
Gigihadid   7-12-2016 20:18  Acceptance  +1   
Weelock   15-11-2016 17:51  Acceptance  +6   Thks for warning
obe   11-11-2016 07:05  Karma  +10   
turbo86   2-11-2016 12:19  Acceptance  +1   
bigboy4791   2-11-2016 01:35  Karma  +3   
abergi66   25-10-2016 02:59  Acceptance  +1   Original, good to know that!
john1958   16-10-2016 11:28  Karma  +3   
mibbui   15-10-2016 16:39  Acceptance  +1   Very good info. Thank you
Nekohima   11-10-2016 20:20  Acceptance  +1   thanks
Explorer1   11-10-2016 11:17  Acceptance  +1   As a rookie I can only give +1, ....I feel so sorry, I want to +9
agamemnon33   11-10-2016 09:59  Karma  +2   lesson learned
bossmanfred   10-10-2016 17:06  Karma  +3   Thanks for taking one for the team!
bigchief27a   6-10-2016 17:47  Karma  +2   Sorry to hear
LeoCan   6-10-2016 12:32  Karma  +3   
twelve98   6-10-2016 12:19  Karma  +4   thanks for sharing at least
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Post at 11-10-2016 10:03  Profile P.M. 
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Really sorry to hear about the situation.  You mentioned that she went behind the bar for a bit.  What do you think she was doing? Was she trying to slip you a roofie?  I am not sure if I would be able to pick up all the warning signs like you did.  When you negotiated her for 800 rmb...was that for the full night?  Would it be better to just have negotiated everything up front before heading up to the hotel: like how many shots, dfk on the menu etc?  Again, appreciate your insights.

Originally posted by hotchilly at 6-10-2016 09:15
So I had to make a quick trip back to Shenzhen on business and decided to stay once again in Shekou. There is a small hotel named Honlux right on the on the Sea World plaza.  Nice hotel but the main b ...

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Post at 11-10-2016 21:25  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 agamemnon33's post

It was all on the up-and-up at least as far as anything nefarious goes.  She was clearly friends with the owner of the bar. She had her purse there and went to retrieve it. Then she chatted with the owner for a bit. So at that moment I figured out the game:  we meet on Wechat, she asks me to take her for a drink, to see if she is comfortable going to my room with me, she draws in some revenue for her friend the owner. At that point I realized she was a pro and not a young woman looking for a fun evening.
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Post at 12-10-2016 05:06  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 hotchilly's post

Bad luck mate, it happens to all of us at one time or another.
You played it very well and calling the security was the right move.

She would be working out of that bar you visited and she would have made money of the drinks you bought there.

There always the NEXT one, and thats whats keeps us punting.
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Post at 21-10-2016 17:30  Profile P.M. 
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Really sorry to hear about the situation.
I know for advance
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Post at 30-10-2016 17:47  Profile P.M. 
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Thanks and appreciate you sharing your situation with us. It helps newbies like myself to avoid being scams. That's one reason why I don't like bringing girls back to my room. If things don't look right, I can't  quickly bolt.
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Post at 6-11-2016 19:44  Profile P.M. 
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woah its really a bad luck bro
wechat really like a gamble for me too
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Post at 13-11-2016 12:51  Profile P.M. 
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Well written review. Not a pleasant experience i am guessing. I could imagine it happening as i was reading. Better luck next time.
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Post at 15-11-2016 00:43  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Sorry to hear about this situation bub. Really sucks.
Glad it ended without further horror.
My question to you is however....  how does she fare on the hot/crazy charts? Hahahahaha

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Post at 30-11-2016 04:11  Profile P.M. 
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Jeez,  sorry to hear dude.  Had a experience like this is as well last time I was in Guangzhou.  But you manged to get rid of the situation with little damage.

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