Subject: Shekou Valhalla Bar
Kinky King
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Post at 25-11-2017 08:29  Profile P.M. 
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Shekou Valhalla Bar

Here we go, another grotty Sherkou bar...

But this one is slightly different. It's near the opposite end of street to Sea World, next to China Doll bar. It's tiny and unremarkable, with usually one or two ladies in there. However the cutest one there is always Sophie the owner. She's a tiny thing with a huge attitude (in a good way). Probably 39Kg naked (and this may happen, she's far from shy) and if it wasn't for the cute face and small tits, she's almost boyish in build, so if you like 'um big turn to her assistant who I'm sure I've seen around over the years, and she looks like she has some experience in her...

Now the unusual thing about this mama/owner is she will join in, even lead the action if she feels like it.  Her arse fits in one hand. I know because she tends to come over to the other side of the bar, put your arm around her, pull her skirt up and put you hand there. She will take you to the sofa and and rather than harras you for drinks while she "makes you comfortable" asks for a flat rate, which includes all you can drink beer for you. Sensible realy. It's annoying to be pestered for drinks just as you're getting to the vinegar strokes.

A word of caution. Shophie isn't chatty, she's a motor mouth. Her English is pretty good and she could talk the hind legs off a yak. If this annoys you then you may not find it fun in there, or try to get a BJ to shut her up...

It's a fun bar and Sophie is mad as a box of frogs, but recommended. Watch out for her sister who pops in rather regularly as she is under age. If you are blind drunk don't mistake her as availableb as I suspect Sophie could turn from super friendly to dangerous in a flash. She's got the signs of being unhinged.

Finally a fun HJ bar where the bill isn't padded (much?) and you feel wecome. It's not too pushy apart from Sophie won't shush for a moment except on the sofa.

Recent Ratings
hotjac   7-12-2017 21:15  Karma  +4   Always good to hear about bar fun
liveabroad9   27-11-2017 12:50  Karma  +3   Excellent
austin821   27-11-2017 04:17  Karma  +5   Cheers
jwilltide   25-11-2017 21:02  Acceptance  +1   Nice reconnaissance
Mister   25-11-2017 14:09  Karma  +3   Original
obe   25-11-2017 11:21  Karma  +6   Thanks
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Post at 25-11-2017 11:23  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Randal's post

Yep Sophie never shuts up. Who is the mamasan?
Generally they are always recycled girls.

Kinky King
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Post at 25-11-2017 13:23  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 obe's post

There is one regular "recycled" girl there, who may fill that role, but I get the feeling Sophie fills all roles.  The regular I think I recognise from her hotter days, but never had the pleasure... Maybe from the early days of Bottoms Up. She's not tapped with the ugly stick, but Sophie's the only hot one there so far. I like scrawny spinners, so I will put up with her chat for long enough.

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