Subject: [Seoul] K Kissbang - Ara
Carnal Conqueror
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Post at 17-2-2025 23:57  Profile P.M. 
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[Seoul] K Kissbang - Ara

Date: February 2025
Location: 25 World Cup buk-ro 4F of 2-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul
Name: Ara?
Nationality & Language: Korean & some English
Age: 23
Face: 4/5
Body: 4/5
Height: 5’5
Skill: 1/5
Service: 0/5
GFE: 1/5
PSE: 0/5
Price & Session Length: 100k/hour + 400k FS (about $345 USD)
Repeat: absolutely not

After being inspired by another’s post about Yubin, I gave K Kissbang a try even though I was pretty tired of the Seoul scene already (more to come on those stories later).

Getting there was pretty simple like others have described. Hongik University, exit 1, 4th floor, just keep walking up the stairs. Older Korean man opened the door and asked me where I was from. Then he said he had a new(?) girl available at 2pm, very beautiful. Went to brush my teeth then was led to a room where I waited for about 15 mins.

Ara knocks on the door and she’s young and beautiful, wearing this tight dress, stockings, and heels . She gets into the room and starts fixing her makeup and asks me how I know about this place. I say a friend. She asks me what I want and shows me Google Translate with 150/280/400 for HJ, BJ, and FS. I was taken aback by the prices and tried haggling FS down, she said she’s never had anyone go down from 400. I table the conversation and go in for a kiss which she stops and asks what I want. I said I’ll think about it, she says how long? I say, when I decide, she said 3 minutes and we do some LFK. She’s unhappy with my stubble and complains that it’s hurting her. Yes - these are all red flags but her body and face ARE stunning and the little man got his way, so I show her the cash.

She takes it and goes away for a minute and comes back with a dom and we proceed with some DFK. Then she lies on her back and pulls out her boobs (natural Cs) with her dress still on which were amazing, I suck on them for a bit before she states that she’s super sensitive and proceeds to take ONE leg of her stockings off and pulls her panties down the legs. She pulls up her dress a little and it’s an overgrown forest down there - immediately turned me off but she jerked LB for a bit and capped him and off we went in mish. I wanted to change positions but she didn’t want to. She just wanted me to finish - I had just about had enough of her and her attitude and pretended to finish then left the room. It had been maybe 30 minutes.

As I walked out, the older Korean man said “Wow so fast” and I said “Yeah, she wasn’t worth it”. I’m sure there are gems but this was a bust and an expensive one at that. GL to the bros out there. I’m rooting for better Seoul kbang stories.

Recent Ratings
gamer.kimlee   27-2-2025 12:44  Karma  +5   Always wanted to try a k kissbang in sometimes. Thanks for TOFTT.
HK_Legend   19-2-2025 18:51  Karma  +10   
LeeDoWon   19-2-2025 06:38  Acceptance  +1   thanks for taking one for the team, brother
AllTaken123   19-2-2025 02:21  Acceptance  +1   
Manticore   18-2-2025 19:37  Karma  +2   did you get an unenthusiastic "pali-pali"?
dragon16   18-2-2025 14:05  Karma  +3   Sounds like how I felt at a place by Times sq mall in Seoul.
mwomwo   18-2-2025 07:29  Karma  +6   Sorry to hear
qblast1   18-2-2025 00:23  Karma  +3   Sorry for the experience, thanks for sharing
Carnal Conqueror
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UID 294908
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Registered 5-8-2023
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Post at 19-2-2025 16:57  Profile P.M. 
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@manticore - oh it was more than unenthusiastic, she actually just told me to “hurry” in English multiple times in an exacerbated tone

Recent Ratings
ellabae   22-2-2025 21:18  Acceptance  +1   

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