Original Post

24-10-2008 01:52

What currency? if I knew that I'd be a helluva lot better off!...

Trip 1 in 2008 it was 15.3 HK to £1 its now 11.89 to £1...

But the thing is the USD is toast, and thereby ALL the currencies that are pegged to the USD are toast.

That includes RMB and HKD

China has been spending 1/4 of its GDP buying up USD so that Americans can keep buying tat made in the PRC, its starting to run out of money to be able to do this.

Swiss francs look risky due to several banks in Switzerland

The EURO is also toast, since Spain and Italy are on the verge of bankruptcy....

Most definately not Indian or Pakistani rupees Pakistan went to the IMF yesterday as they have gone bankrupt.

YEN is problematic since their 1990s crash they exported all their inflation and a strong Yen is bad for Japan and they will probably devalue it..

All in all I would probably say German marked Euros (the Euro is debased already last time I was in Germany they would not accept any Euros that were not printed in Germany).

So the best of a worst pile is probably USD/Yen

USD because the US economy is diverse and thus the currency is backed by industry , resources such as oil in alaska and california, but they have 12 trillion of debt.

Yen as again Japan's economy is backed by manufacturing and technology sure they can't export as much in a crash but having an economy backed by something tangible is better than nothing*.

*the UK £ is backed by NOTHING no manufacturing , no resources only fiat which makes in very dangerous as a currency to hold.

RMB is a wild card in that China can do what Europe has done ie it can turtle up and increase the debt to its own citizens as Europe and the US have done for the last 30 years, but as said the USD tanks RMB is chained to its ankle , the day RMB de-pegs from USD will be a huge event...

Oh course this is assuming we don't get war , the cure for 1929 crash was WWII,

hunter 24-10-2008 02:18 Karma +1 I want to hire this consultant

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