Original Post

16-12-2024 16:26
Reply #1 midnightduo5's post

Married with kids. Been mongering for 15+ years.

Why does anyone do anything they know can get them hurt or in trouble?

Climbing without a harness. Cheating with other women or men. Porn. Strip clubs. Alcohol and drugs. Fraud. Crypto and Stocks.

For me, it's the excitement of the search and the rush of the unknown. I do not think any of us are looking for love outside of our relationships, although some friendships do happen, especially if you see the same girl more than a few times. But how many men really leave their wives for a stripper/escort and don't regret it?

That being said, there is something about the investigating, the chase, and having sex with other women which feeds the adrenaline / dopamine levels. Not to mention the "my wife isn't into this" conversation as well. Not sure my wife would want to have sex as much as I'd like and also in the manner I want it, 69, doggy, mirrors, etc.

This is not a justification, but we all get our fix many different ways. Some drink and dance, others build innapropriate relationships with their neighbors or coworkers. I chose explore and fuck.

Hobbier 30-12-2024 14:45 Acceptance +4 I cannot formulate the same reason/opinion any better.
nowayjose1 11-1-2025 20:58 Acceptance +3 This is perfect. And the "my wife isn't into this," nor would I feel comfortable doing certain things with my wife b ...

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