Original Post

13-12-2024 03:49
How I handled similar situations

For a few years, I got to travel for work.

When I was going to NY and LA, I reached out to some of the more popular k-orgs and let them know

A. Intro myself (standard)
B. I am visiting and wanted to get through screening.
C. Offered to share references from my home city.
D. If I also offered my TER ID and for LA, I offered my HX profile to show some network (I try to have a couple each year because it helps in the SoCal area)

For NY, I don't remember any org turning me away.
For LA, a few didn't respond or said they didn't except out of town references. This was not a problem since most ladies cross-posted anyways.

The best part about letting them know I wasn't a local was I don't get purged for not being a regular.

One item that also worked for me was when I had an ATF that worked in different cities.
Just happened she was going to be in LA when I was. I had her contact info and asked her to clear me with the PO and set up the appointment with me.

I have never been able to use a fellow punter as a referral/reference to get into a k-org.

From your post history, seemed like you made it into kbliss though, so at least you now have an reference to use for the future.

Ultimately, it is what it is, from my experience in the US.

sonorance 13-12-2024 04:07 Acceptance +5
gg1234 13-12-2024 07:20 Acceptance +5
Susanlixxx 13-12-2024 18:50 Acceptance +10

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