Original Post

4-12-2024 17:01
Street walker Shanghai/Pitt near Yau Ma Tei

Date & Time of Session:  29 Nov 2024 about 10:00 pm.
Location:  Shanghai/Pitt street near Yau Ma Tei
Name:  didn't ask
Link: NA
Nationality & Language: Chinese, enough English for thius purpose
Age: Maybe 20s
Face:  3/5
Body:  2/5 - quite overweight
Skill:   3/5
Service: 3/5
GFE: 1/5
PSE: 1/5
Price & Session Length: 200HKD, maybe 15 Mins
Repeat: No

I had just arrived in HK and really wanted to relax, so was wandering down Portland street and further west looking for a massage place with a possible happy ending, trying to ignore the street girls. However, a relatively young girl started encouraging me to take her or her friend with a $200 price offer. I wasn't looking for this, but at $200 it seemed interesting. A short walk and up three or four flights to a small room. Standard for this sort of thing, I think - no shower, CBW, some quite enthisatic riding then missionary. I wasn't performing well without Viagra (which I hadn't though would be necessary that night) but it was interesting to have a taste of this side of things and going from walking on the street to fucking a random girl within about five minutes was actually quite enjoyable.

HK_Legend 4-12-2024 17:14 Karma +10
HKGPeter 5-12-2024 04:44 Karma +3 Thank you.
midnightduo5 5-12-2024 21:51 Acceptance +1 Oof risky

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