Original Post

29-11-2024 08:52

Impressive erudite writing, I would encourage you to continue to explore and document your activity.

Your perception and description of the same is instructive and brings into the report the underlying emotional context we all have when indulging in this hobby which occurs strictly between the 2 participants, as it has since the beginning of time with lonely, bored, curious men and hungry desperate women facing dire circumstances and engaging in this activity as a last resort, but in our own way here in this community we all become a part of each person’s unique experience.

In particular your style of negative attributes preceding each step of the meeting seems uncannily familiar to the experiences I’m sure we all have:

intimacy grotesque
a source of nausea rather than desire
desolate transaction
30 interminable minutes
familiar disappointment
subtle betrayals of my own body (tell me about it!)

Fortunately for all of us, on balance, we have also experienced the opposite of the above, which keeps us coming back for more.

While everyone shares their experiences to help the collective, this is a standout.

Keep on writing.

Keep on mongering,

[ Last edited by  gwailoplayer at 29-11-2024 08:54 ]

dienw 29-11-2024 10:09 Karma +4 Lol
karlos 29-11-2024 10:51 Karma +4 Thank you brother
JackTheBat 29-11-2024 12:16 Acceptance +10 Well said.

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