Original Post

27-11-2024 16:46

Nothing stellar on either aspects, massage and full service...
I am not sure, but I think that at that time, it was even an "affiliate" of a covid-closed Thai massage to meet month ends.

I did not go there since Covid as I am spoiled.

Between quality (for both types) and prices, I splitted ...instead of finding the perfect or a very good combination.
(For those who knew Sheung Wan, Hing Loong, Coco was very good of both aspects.)

For massages, I need very strong (and several hours) technical Thai massages (veggie!) so the ones where I am 100% sure to get that are:
* CWB, Thai Kin Hong,  Rm L 1/F , PoFoo Building, Foo ming st, (the boss Angel is very good), and
* Wanchai, Evergreen, 3F, 171-173 Hennessy Road (they always have skilled masseuses. sometimes I go for a pair!)

For ALL the others (in Wanchai and CWB) I went many times (too many ):
* KO by Covid,
* Less Veggie ... (no way back from there)...and in one case...LE reckless,
* Pricy (the ones I go to are < HK$300 / H for excellent quality for me),
* Turned sloppy.

For full service, all my ..."potential offsprings" are going to room P, in Jordan, KSM, Angel. That's it.

Eliperc 27-11-2024 23:59 Karma +3
livinginhk 28-11-2024 14:52 Acceptance +3 I'll second Evergreen at 171. I used to also use the place on 2/F and liked the owner, but I had a couple of bad massa ...

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